Non-resident Producer Selling Exchange Plans in Different States?


New Member
Does anyone know if they will allow brokers to sell QHPs from a different state? Say, if you have a non-resident producer license?

Some states have in-person training for their state exchanges. If we're going to be allowed to sell in foreign states, I wonder if we'll have to do each state's training or if our home state certification will translate.

Thanks :)
Which states are offering those training? Any website/link?

As far as I know, NAHU said their training would not certify you to sell on the exchanges. They are just informational, and may be less informative than this forum and all its intelligent contributors.


Does anyone know if they will allow brokers to sell QHPs from a different state? Say, if you have a non-resident producer license?

Some states have in-person training for their state exchanges. If we're going to be allowed to sell in foreign states, I wonder if we'll have to do each state's training or if our home state certification will translate.

Thanks :)

NY exchange certification providers, with websites/links (only state I have info on).

NAHU is supposed to have a real one as soon as it's approved (and they're rumored to be the Washington DC education provider). You are accurate, their current one is an educational course, not a certification.


As far as we know, you will have to have a producer (or non-resident producer) license in every state you sell AND be exchange certified on a state-by-state basis.

The requirements, training, etc have not been finalized. We don't know for sure, but the indication is that each state will be handling it separately. There's always a chance that won't be the case, or that the FFE states will have a unified certification, but that seems too easy and straightforward to be true.
Thanks, Ray. That's what I suspected while doing the research, but couldn't get a definitive answer. I guess that's because there is no definitive answer yet.

October 1st is looming; odds on them getting it all sorted out before then?
Individually, damn near 100%.

There will be people licensed/accredited/appointed to do this stuff, and a way to do it, by Oct 1.

Working properly? I'd wager it never happens. Working the way it was intended? Also improbable. Integrated with other states or even the entire nation? Highly unlikely.