Not Giving My Personal Info Out To Get Product Info

Open letter to recruiters:

You keep sending me email asking me to click on a link to learn more about the product offerings you have or the contracts you are offering. I click on the link up comes a pop-up requesting my name, phone number, email, etc. When that happens I close the window and go on my way without ever knowing what a great offer you think you have, and you have no chance of getting my business.. If the offer is truly great and something that I am interested in, I would gladly send you my information after I have an opportunity to examine the offer..

I am sure that I am no different than a lot of agents... Promoters, you are missing out on a lot of potential business by not being out in the open about your offer without requiring agents to essentially buy a "pig in a poke" by sending in their personal contact information up front.

End of rant
If it's something I want like a download, I always put my info: Herman Munster...1313 Mockingbird get the idea. I actually get e-mails to Herman, or Mr. Munster. I always give them a bogus phone #. :twitchy:
Now I know why I keep getting that lead for insurance quotes
Funny that you said that. I just went through all the magazines at the Doctor's office and pulled out the little subscription cards. I filled out 7 of them for a guy I can't stand. I requested annual billing/bill me later for all of them. His name is Mike and I listed his name as Michelle Pitlicker. Some kids never grow up. :laugh: