Notification of Denial

Warfarin: I have ONE carrier that will take someone on this medicine. It is an indicator or possible serious heart/circulatory issues.

Add diabetis and the other issues... not issued.

Tough case.
My only company is woodmen. But that will change this week.

I can't afford to wait 30 days for results of a deal. Great Am said they issued in 2-5 days...but rates are too high. Others just like that. Fam Life said issue in 10 days and less....good rates...,
Need to call a few others that have low rates. Maybe Sentinel, Antex. No resaon for it to take a month.

Thanks to all the guys for the insight on the meds...

Thanks for the offer Dwayne...may call sometime and bend your ear.:unsure:
Client answered all the Health questions, but I got this denial notification 25 days after faxing the app..

Denied because:
"on medication cozaar for kidney function, warfarin for blood thinner and
glyburide for diabetes."

Would these meds be a basis for denial for just about any company?

Hello, we have carier would be able to consider, that's what we do last 19 years as a brokerage. for more info...e-mail me and I can help you. Thanks!
It also depends on how long someone has been on meds. with some or most companies. Here in Florida I think I would have written that applicant AARP. One health question.

As far as it taking a long time to issue an application, AARP is running about 15 days behind on apps. received.