Now is a GREAT Time to Ask for a Raise!


5000 Post Club
Employer's cost to buy health insurance for their employees has dropped by as much as 3,000% due to the Obama Health Reform. Employees across the nation are to be getting raises since the employers are saving so much money.

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Somebody want to help me with the math on how premiums could fall by 3,000% ?

Gladly. If you were paying $1,000 per month before the Obama Health Reform you are now paying $33.33.

If you take $33.33 X 3,000% you will get $999.90.
Gladly. If you were paying $1,000 per month before the Obama Health Reform you are now paying $33.33.

If you take $33.33 X 3,000% you will get $999.90.

I'll have to check with the employers I know to see how well that premium reduction is going so far...
Gladly. If you were paying $1,000 per month before the Obama Health Reform you are now paying $33.33.

If you take $33.33 X 3,000% you will get $999.90.

Nah, nah, nah.... you got that math stuff ALL wrong Newby.

The Prez has got if figured out here... so lets see:

If yur prenuem dolla is 1000 tousand per mundt... and if falls by 3000% percentums... you takes the 3000 and poke dat into that little black machines on yur desk and I thinkk you hit the X button (fer tousands), den you entries yur preneums dolla of 1000 tousand, and it pert neer looks to me likes you gunna save bouts $ 3,000,000.00 every mundt. However you sez dat numer, not sure.

Obamanomics + Obamamathotics%+%otics + Obamacare = Freebies for everybody

Gawd help us folks, we in deep, deep shite.
You guys have little faith. It should all start kicking in any day now. The insurance companies will drop the rates by 3,000%. The employer saves money and passes the savings to the employee as a raise. With the new raise the employees can buy more stuff including insurance from us. The whole economy takes off and VRRRRRrrrrroooooooommm!!! Obamacare SAVES the day!! Yay!!!

Probably tomorrow or the next day I figure.
Our health insurance went from $320 per employee to $400+ at this renewal next month. & we are in a large group through Paychex.

Anyone of you group health guys in TN with a solution please email or call me. Had to go to a group rate due to 2 employees that were not insurable on individual plans.

Sad, Sad state of affairs with Health Insurance. There Must be a better solution than "Obamacare" but what is it?

States don't want to give up states rights but with Health Insurance, like securities, it just might make sense. Then TN Blues could write/compete in GA, AL or CA if they want to. Vs now they have to file separate filings with Insurance Commissioners in all states they want to do business with. 50+ different sets of rules & laws to comply with.

Heck, it would make better sense for Auto & Home to be "national" policies vs. state for the same reasons. Lots of lawyers would be out of jobs so the Feds' would say not a good idea. [state by state lawyers needed to make sure a policy confirms with the state laws]

So, anyone got a better idea? Health Insurance is just too darn high!