- 8,707
Our health insurance went from $320 per employee to $400+ at this renewal next month. & we are in a large group through Paychex.
Anyone of you group health guys in TN with a solution please email or call me. Had to go to a group rate due to 2 employees that were not insurable on individual plans.
Sad, Sad state of affairs with Health Insurance. There Must be a better solution than "Obamacare" but what is it?
States don't want to give up states rights but with Health Insurance, like securities, it just might make sense. Then TN Blues could write/compete in GA, AL or CA if they want to. Vs now they have to file separate filings with Insurance Commissioners in all states they want to do business with. 50+ different sets of rules & laws to comply with.
Heck, it would make better sense for Auto & Home to be "national" policies vs. state for the same reasons. Lots of lawyers would be out of jobs so the Feds' would say not a good idea. [state by state lawyers needed to make sure a policy confirms with the state laws]
So, anyone got a better idea? Health Insurance is just too darn high!
Well don't expect GI to solve your problems...$400 per employee sounds like a bargian in Maine the land of GI.