NWL Impact Annuity


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Does anyone have any info on the new Impact FIA from National Western?
I just received the information today, a 7 year and 10 year annuity with a 5 and 7% bonus respectively. The caps and fees are not announced as of yet. It seems interesting on the surface, we will see! I can't see them offering much in the way of caps, etc and the 5% bonus vests over 10 years on the 7 year product.
Great caps, actually.

2.25 Monthly Pt-Pt
80% par on Month Avg
65% par on Global Lookback
2.75 fixed rate
5.00% Ann Pt-Pt

should be released soon. If you are looking for a contract with them, let me know. These products are exciting.