This is an excellent piece about the choices we will have to make in order to provide affordable care. No matter how you look at it care will not be affordable except for the very rich in the future. Government run health care will be a disaster is it is implemented. Your tax bills will explode.
Will we have to ration care, and is it a good idea.
I like this article. Maybe instead of a government run rationed care program you can buy differing levels of insurance?
Some very interesting discussion can result from this.
How much do you think your health insurance company should pay to extend someone's life 6 months?
Will we have to ration care, and is it a good idea.
I like this article. Maybe instead of a government run rationed care program you can buy differing levels of insurance?
Some very interesting discussion can result from this.
How much do you think your health insurance company should pay to extend someone's life 6 months?