Obama Coming After Medicare Advantage

Granted, a few friends and children help online BUT

Retread, about 95% of our local clients don't have an email address.

About 90% don't have a computer.

About 80% would have trouble finding the "on" button. By having to go to the "start" button to turn it off, 99% of these would never be able to turn it off.

I believe it will be a while before the carriers try to go it alone online.

I'm not talking about the present set, I'm talking about the Baby Boomers. I made several posts about this, and perhaps assumed most would have noted where I am coming from.

To be clear, the t-65s and a couple of years beyond are 'net savvy now, and each year those ageing into Medicare bring computer skills with them. Don't look at the next 5 years as static in this regard. Each year we compete harder with internet sales and those who don't act accordingly will be the first cut. I am preparing my web site to market MA plans. I just don't know at what point carriers will think they can do without independents and remove their permission for online apps for us. That's why I say I see the light at the end of the MA tunnel and it is red for me. I did not say MAs will go away, just that independent agency sales will.


Joe, I don't know how old you are, but I am guessing under 50 (well under). I am 65 and will put my computer skills up against yours any day. I build my own boxes, design and build my own LAN (pricing out a new server system at present) and have been into 'puters since the day we built them from breadboards. I used to program in assembly language and Basic, too. After Gates published DOS, I was there through 6.21, migrating to Windows through XP, and did a few years under IBM OS 2 through Warp. I even had a small computer business at one time and repaired my customers failed boards. In the meantime, I built Apple II clones for my kids, who I taught about computers, and are now Systems Analysts, Engineers, or heavy metal users. Besides this, I know a lot of people my age that can run circles around me when it comes to computer tech. Just this week I sold a MAPD to a fellow retired from Honeywell and we had a good time reminescing about the IBM 360, Fortran, Cobol, etc. He even knew about CP/M and the 8 bit Z-80s... and he had his own home system. Be very careful in your assessment of seniors when it comes to computing skills and knowledge. Times are a' changing!
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Obama was on Stephanopolis' show this morning and the only thing he mentioned cutting was MedAdvantage. I think rightfully so. But I dont see too much in the way of agent commissions getting cut as being CMS regulates them and carriers stay competitive.

What I do think will happen would be the smaller fly by night carriers will go away. And I got to say that would be great from my end b/c when I deal with a client who got bamboozled its ussually with some carrier that just came into the market with a bad network and no reputation.

Copays and premiums will def go up. But still I think the Majors will weather just fine UHC, Aetna, Coventry, CIP, AP, hopefully Bravo.
This is a direct quote from Obama during the George Stephanopoulis Interview.

"And I'll give you an example in the health care area. We are spending a lot of money subsidizing the insurance companies around something called Medicare Advantage, a program that gives them subsidies to accept Medicare recipients but doesn't necessarily make people on Medicare healthier.
And if we eliminate that and other programs, we can potentially save $200 billion out of the health care system that we're currently spending and take that money and use it in ways that are actually going to make people healthier and improve quality."

I can not post URLs yet but if you would like the link just message me. Or else it is very easy to find on google.

They key word he used here is eliminate. I know we can not take every word he says and interperet it literally however I do think that this is a good indication of the direction Medicare Advantage will be heading when he gets his hands on it. Sounds like we might have another medicare+choice on our hands here.:GEEK:
This is a direct quote from Obama during the George Stephanopoulis Interview.

"And I'll give you an example in the health care area. We are spending a lot of money subsidizing the insurance companies around something called Medicare Advantage, a program that gives them subsidies to accept Medicare recipients but doesn't necessarily make people on Medicare healthier.
And if we eliminate that and other programs, we can potentially save $200 billion out of the health care system that we're currently spending and take that money and use it in ways that are actually going to make people healthier and improve quality."

I can not post URLs yet but if you would like the link just message me. Or else it is very easy to find on google.

They key word he used here is eliminate. I know we can not take every word he says and interperet it literally however I do think that this is a good indication of the direction Medicare Advantage will be heading when he gets his hands on it. Sounds like we might have another medicare+choice on our hands here.:GEEK:

He will just eliminate the subsidy to ma's rather than the program. That way he doesnt take as much heat from seniors. Then the med advantage plans can just wither now or raise premiums and wither later. Possibly a couple carriers can get creative and show actual managed care savings and still make it. Most will end out in a situation where you are paying a hundred a month in premium and could get a med supp for a 130. That type of thing.
Obama has so much on his plate with the bail out, middle east, etc. that he is just spewing talking points and looking like the good guy.

He can try and cut Part C out, but if that means AARP is going to loose income, they will just call on their senators and reps they have in Washington and prevent it from happening.
Actually, AARP has spoken out against the excess subsidies to medicare advantage. I agree that Obama would have a hard time completely eliminating the program however now that he has an almost entirely democratic congress behind him I think AARP would agree to a decrease in funding; at least to an even 100%.
Actually, AARP has spoken out against the excess subsidies to medicare advantage. I agree that Obama would have a hard time completely eliminating the program however now that he has an almost entirely democratic congress behind him I think AARP would agree to a decrease in funding; at least to an even 100%.

I can agree with you here... it should be pointed out that AARP markets both MA and Med Sups (as well as PDPs). So they know the margins and the rules.....
I agree that MA plans are toast! They will be cut.

Obama's already at work on his budget proposal for next month. Don't ya think he has made up his mind on MA's already?

[FONT=&quot]The carriers have failed to plead their case for MA's. [/FONT]
The only thing I can say good about MA's in rural America is they gave me 25+ new supplement clients during this AEP. I was there to get them back to security.

Here, Here!

I am learning to "love" PFFS plans. I hope Missouri agents who work in the "sticks" keep selling the hell out of them. It is the best thing that ever happened for my Med Supp sales.

Having other agents working the same areas I do is good for business. :1smile:
Joe, I don't know how old you are, but I am guessing under 50 (well under). I am 65 and will put my computer skills up against yours any day.

Thanks, I will be 62 in June. I would have guessed you younger also.

As far as computer skills, you win hands down. I wish I was much more savvy with computers. We have many projects that I would love to be able to do myself, but don't have the skills.
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That's not surprising about TN. 83% of the people still use outhouses, 71% have no electricity, and 98% don't have a toothbrush (for their one tooth).


Darn Rick, I forget to mention those statistics.
Also 82% have hound dogs, 62% have at least a 5th grade education, and 66% of us can actually sign our name.

Back in the 60's we had a small town close that was known as the "Moonshine Capital of the World". The local economy was BOOMING. Then all the still owners were put in jail, a depression set in and has not left.


The law gets notorious moonshiner Popcorn Sutton - again : Local News : Knoxville News Sentinel

You know you have made the grade when your house and your last 3 cars are all on blocks. We don't trade cars here, we just save them for the next generation (also may need the parts off them).
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