Obama Cuts Medicare!

Actually, as we know he has medicare advantage on the chopping block rather than medicare in general but I just peeked at the Yahoo news and one of the tag lines was that Obama cuts medicare. He is going to have to play this card carefully, because as we know Medicare is the "third rail of American politics." The medicare constituency out there is not savvy enough to follow all of this inside baseball. They could easily leap to the conclusion that he has started to cut back on medicare in order to cut the deficit by 2012. One false move here and he will have a firestorm on his hands.

Don't worry, the media (and Al) will protect him from a firestorm.
Al must be busy so let me tell you that you are losers and right-wing wackos. Also, you are human-garbage and I fart in your general direction.

Damn, I feel better. I think I'll apply for welfare.


I considered you a windbag, now you have confirmed it!!