Obamacare Not Dead Yet . . .


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
While I do believe it is on life support, it is not dead yet. WH Press Secretary *** Gibbs said in a conference a little over an hour ago that PresBO is willing to entertain a "smaller" health reform package.

They have already gutted it so many times and the public is wise to their vote buying schemes, I think they will have trouble finding the votes to get even a mini version.

The House version passed by a 3 vote swing and if Princess Nancy had not gaveled it closed it may not have even passed at all. The Senate version had zero margin.

With folks in both houses indicating they will not run in the fall and some weak performers evaluating the loss in MA, even Barney Frank is saying time to start over.

Yesterday's election was a game changer but not enough to pull the plug on reform. The longer this is on the minds of the public and the more scrutiny it gets the less chance it has of passing.

And then there is the economy . . .

Nothing so far has worked. Unless Barry can pull a full employment rabbit out of his arse the Dem blood bath in November will be one to remember.

Recent polls show jobs are the number one concern on voters minds and health insurance reform is way down the list at number 4.
Refer to earlier discussions about how they will/would take a shot at passing the bill as presented and then as amended and if it still does not force-fit they will circle back and pass piecemeal anything where they can get consensus. They are right on schedule. They are trying to get the house to swallow the senate bill whole. That is not going to happen. Piecemeal is the next step.

Once again and again and again we can say that "it" either will pass or "it" will not pass depending on which of the twelve versions of "it" a person has in mind of needs to have in mind to be right or wrong. The campaign "it" is not going to pass, last summer's "it" is not going to pass nor the house "it" nor the senate "it" . But if a person were to insist that health reform is going to pass in some form, I dont disagree. Whatever that means.

However, your thread title suggests that Obamacare is not dead yet. I dont know. I would think that it is based on what Obamacare was represented in the campaign, except that now any type of provision that passes is considered to be Obamacare. I guess so. or not. Whatever. Anything that passes is Obamacare now so I can say almost defnitively that we are going to end out with Obamacare. Except the Obamcare that Obama wanted is not. Confused? So are the voters.

Anyway, they will start going through the brushpile to see what they can find to agree upon. As stated, there will never be a congressional session any year for the rest of our lives when their will be health reform amendments so I have no idea when something is dead or alive. It is forever now. Jobs are the priority? No problem, just let health related reforms simmer on the burner and pick them up and work them a little and then set them down for a while and so on.
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Since the Dems can't break a Senate filabuster they need to draft legislation that includes Republican support. So yes, it's dead.

They have a different problem now.

They technically could have tried to get the house to swalllow the senate bill whole with all all of its problems but allow allow them to clean up the bill through reconciliation after it passes (versus trying to pass it through just reconciliation). Problem is the whole thing is racioactive now after the Mass vote and no one wants to touch it. In addition, it is not just the mass vote. That is simply when Obama smartened up. The reps have been back to their districts and a lot of them look and sound a lot like the problem in Mass. What do they get for sacrificing their careers for Obama's undefined, unworkable bill? Not much.

Expect Obama to suddenly become Mr. Transparency, Mr. Deliberate, and Mr. Bipartisan right off. "I am appointing a bipartisan commission to explore the areas where there is consensus that health reforms must be implemented." Translation: He tried to stick this up everyone's bo-bo and it did not work and there is an election coming up and he needs to work agains the no-Cspan issue and the behind close doors, and whore bribery, and the threat of acting with just one party. That would be a good thing to be working on, believe me.
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State of the Union speech will be:

While health care reform is important, we understand that for right now, we need to focus on the economy and jobs, while we sort out the best approach to healthcare reform. After all, it is more important to get it right, then to get it fast.

Then, later this year, you will not hear about some legislation that will pass that says states will lose their highway money if they don't change the state laws to not allow health care recissions. Later, this will be listed as 'comprehensive' health care reform that passed.

In truth, the American public won the over-reach battle. Now they will likely lose on the under-reach battle.
