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Obamacare & P&C Agents


New Member
Does anyone know of P&C agents who are successful in selling Obamacare? Agents I have spoken with say it takes too much time and pays too little. Some agents are trying to sell Critical Illness and other supplements but pass on doing the "heavy lifting" to get people enrolled. Are these agents missing out on new business or do you think they are making a good business decision? Any thoughts on this? Thanks.
Obamacare is a beast that can not be done part time. Most P&C agents refer it out. Stick to your niche, and do it well.
I have found it curious that P&C Agents would even attempt to write health insurance. In looking at healthcare.gov site and the list of agents that are certified in my area I see a lot of State Farm agents. My State Farm agent keeps asking me how it's going and wanting details as if he's thinking about getting certified. It seems knowing the facts he's decided against it.
I find most P&C agents focus on that one market. Usually, and this is not meant as an insult, P&C agents tend to sit and wait on the phone to ring. I realize this isn't ALL P&C agents. Just an observation of several P&C agents I know. They probably have a gold mine in their books for other products such as life insurance. But they just don't bother to work their books.

In all honesty, they'd likely be better served just partnering with an agent who works that market.
I used to work with a large p/c company in my state. They were multi-line (home, auto, life, health, everything...). The big issue is trying to do everything makes you a jack of all trades, master of none. Many decided to stay away from really focusing on it. Most did less than 25 apps even though they had books of business with 500+ clients. With the pressure of producing other lines of business (home, auto, life); they realized the effort to get up to speed with ACA was not worth it for them.