Obamacare Vote Not a Sure Thing


5000 Post Club
That's not Condi. It is how Winter really looks.

Hmmm. How are you going to break the news to Al that I am black. Not sure that fits with his other theories. You know it only took him about three years to stop chiding me for being so young (hehehe) and and from the south (hehehehe times two)

Anyway, if Fox has any problem with Condi, she will just call them up and tell them they don't. Funnier than heck a few years ago when Condi didnt realize she was on a live mike and said she "loved all those guys at Fox." Not something you hear the current administration saying a lot these days.

While some believe Obamacare is a foregone conclusion with 60 Dem's in the Senate, others are not so sure.

According to MyWay counting 60 votes is not a slam dunk. Even with help from RINO Olympia Snowe and weak sister Susan Collins, Senate Democrats may not be able to pass this massive spending bill.

The Democrats' control of a hefty majority in the Senate - plus the House - would suggest that President Barack Obama is within reach of overhauling the nation's health care system this fall.

But the numbers mask a more complicated reality: Obama and Democratic leaders have modest leverage over several pivotal Senate Democrats who are more concerned about their next election or feel they have little to lose by opposing their party's hierarchy.
While some believe Obamacare is a foregone conclusion with 60 Dem's in the Senate, others are not so sure.

According to MyWay counting 60 votes is not a slam dunk. Even with help from RINO Olympia Snowe and weak sister Susan Collins, Senate Democrats may not be able to pass this massive spending bill.

Oh indeed. We are not all agreed on what Collins and Snowe's involvement means either. Everyone focuses on their alledgedly being traitors for being involved. Fact is both are opposed to the public option at this point and most would agree that Olympia was the factor that kept it out of the Baucus Bill. Does the Baucus bill include the public option? No? Also which of the twelve bills that Obama did not introduce and has not officially supported do we consider to be Obamacare? So can you vote for a bill without the public option and still be supporting Obamacare or not? We dont know because everyone talks about Obamacare but it is just a general free-floating concept that may or may not involve certain elements.

Also in regard to the Dem 60 votes or not. Let's get real. We have dem senators from states like Lousiana and Arkansas who represent states that went with McCain, not Obama. If the dems want to count them, go for it. Don't bet the rent money on it.
In reality, like it or not, Snowes particpation made the plan move towards the center. Without it, the plan would lurch further left.

60 votes will not be needed. It's all about budget reconciliation and 50 votes. I think they will struggle even on this. Without a public option, there are several democrats who won't vote for it. With a public option, there is a different set of democrats who won't vote for it.

I don't think they have the 218 votes in the house for the Pelosi Plan, but, Pelosi has been known to buy whatever votes she needs.

Here is an actual (but fake) conversation between Nancy and a unnamed representative from a district in the south....

Nancy: I really need to get your vote on the public option. What is it going to take.

Rep: I'm not sure I can support it. In my district, we've been struggling since the civil war. Our musket ball factory has been shut down for decades and my constiuents are worried about work.

Nancy: Okay, if I have the pentagon buy some muskets and get a 10 year contract for you to provide musketballs, for use in Afghanistan, will you vote for the public option?

Rep: You've got a deal. Just get the musketball order placed first.

And that is how porkulus 2 will start.

In reality, like it or not, Snowes particpation made the plan move towards the center. Without it, the plan would lurch further left.

60 votes will not be needed. It's all about budget reconciliation and 50 votes. I think they will struggle even on this. Without a public option, there are several democrats who won't vote for it. With a public option, there is a different set of democrats who won't vote for it.


You have given a correct answer. The lack of Republican invovlement to steer it in a better direction only feeds into the dems strategy to take it through reconciliation. The Party of No says that it isnt against health reform, just against Obama's plan, yet no one knows what the Repub plan is and they have made it clear that they will demonize anyone who goes near the process.

Taking it down the reconciliaiton route is nasty and the dems know it. The only way they can market it with the public is to be able to clearly demonstrate that the repubs wont go for anything. Fortunately for them the Party of No helps them with that strategy every day.

However, if the conservatives or repubs like short term victories their just folding their arms and standing on the railroad tracks will work in the short run. It will derail a comprehensive approach by either party. The dems will then regroup and pass multiple measures piecemeal as the months and years pass, along with republicans who support certain pieces. Thus, the system will be a complete and total mess and will serve neither libs nor conservatives nor the public. The next phase after that is not pretty unless you like single payer. As I said before, if you think in six month increments, everything will be okay. Five year increments are another matter.

Ever see the cartoon that shows a picture of camel and the caption underneath says "A horse designed by a committee." ?? Think about it.

Change you believe in.
Winter: Fox News should hire you as a consultant. Damn, you are good - and this is a serious statement, not a backhanded jab. Will they go for the Condi look however?
"In some states, such as Missouri, Wisconsin and Ohio, WellPoint says costs would more than double for average individuals and nearly quadruple for younger, healthier people."

Hmmm...Maybe this public option thing is not such a bad idea for me!

(Just kidding)
Hmmm...Maybe this public option thing is not such a bad idea for me!

(Just kidding)

I don't see the $50 one time referral fee being an easy way to make a living. However, if the premium doubled, but the commissions were 5% with guaranteed issue, you wouldn't hear me complain. I'm guessing that won't be the case, but once again, I hope I'm wrong.