# of Stoves Question

Two stoves, or two kitchens are ok. unless he is renting out the basement, then he must disclose it, and get the right insurance,coverage.
Yeah, i suggested that if he had 2 families in his legally 1 family home that he purchase 2 family coverage but if the stove is for his own use it should be okay. He left after and said he will think about it.

Aren't kitchens in the basement illegal in NY?
I don't know about New York laws and kitchens in basements (in California, we don't even know what a basement is.....)


If he left saying he had to think about it, there is more going on here than you want to know about. Call your underwriter and see if they care about a kitchen in the basement, that is potentially used part time as a mother-in-law apartment. That is the answer you need.

i have an additional stove in the garage we use it to cook when we have a big party...