Oldest Life Insurance Company in the U.S.?


Super Genius
What's the oldest life insurance company in the U.S.? I know New York Life started in 1845. I'm guessing there might be an older one but I can't seem to find any.
Mutual of New York (MONY) is the oldest continuous writer of insurance in the United States. Chartered 1842 and began business 1843.

Funny story about MONY. Their top agent in the 1850s would get all of his clients to sign proxies over to him for voting. Because he had so much control, it drove MONY nuts so they basically bought him out and he moved to Wisconsin (I think he had a non-compete in NY). In 1857 he helped found a new life insurance company in Janesville, Wisconsin -- Northwestern Mutual Life.
Manhattan started in 1850 so they have been around longer than most.. They issued the first female life insurance policy.
They had a couple of firsts. This is from their site.

Manhattan Life Insurance Company, one of the oldest continuously operating companies in the world, was founded in 1850.

We issued the first ever group life insurance contract and issued one of the first life policies to a woman.
Wasn't Manhattan Life nicknamed "Old Faithful" as they paid out the first Civil War widow's pension (Confederate side, I believe)?

And there was a story just a few years back where a daughter was collecting one of those pensions. She was WAY old and in a nursing home. If I remember correctly, her father was really old, around 70 when she was born, then when he passed the mother got the pension then she did.

It was really low, like maybe $40 a month or less. I'll try and dig it up tomorrow.
Mutual of New York (MONY) is the oldest continuous writer of insurance in the United States. Chartered 1842 and began business 1843.

Funny story about MONY. Their top agent in the 1850s would get all of his clients to sign proxies over to him for voting. Because he had so much control, it drove MONY nuts so they basically bought him out and he moved to Wisconsin (I think he had a non-compete in NY). In 1857 he helped found a new life insurance company in Janesville, Wisconsin -- Northwestern Mutual Life.

I believe they are part of the AXA group now? MONY, not Northwestern but they may have been bought out too.