Oldest Life Insurance Company in the U.S.?

Funny story about MONY

That maybe be funny, but this is an interesting story about MONY.

while frustrated trying record a song, they took a break to smoke a cigarette on a balcony in NY in 1968, looking up they saw the Mutual of New York "MONY"lit sign on the side of the building with a $ sign in the O & time & temperature.

Tommy James & the Shondells then recorded the MONY MONY song that we all ruined by screaming "everybody get laid, get #$%%" in the decades following.
Annuities have a long history dating back to the Roman Era when they were used as a form of gratification for loyal soldiers. These early annuities were given to soldiers as a thank you for military service. The first mention of annuities was recorded before the birth of Christ.
In the United States annuities were first used by The Presbyterian Ministers Association as a retirement income for older ministers and their families. These annuities were funded by the church and were allowed to pass from the head of the household to a surviving spouse.

These early vehicles were the foundation for future widows and orphans benefits.

Benjamin Franklin was an early supporter of the concept of annuities and in his will left two annuities to the cities of Philadelphia and Boston. The Boston annuity lasted until 1993 when the city officials voted to end the annuity and use the lump sum that remained.

NOTE: A company can be "an insurance" company without the word "Insurance" in their name!
Also, now annuity companies are regulated similarly to insurance companies by the states. Just look at NEW YORK!!!
There was a guy in my High School named Ben Dover. His sister's name is Eileen Dover. That's no sh*t...what were their parents thinking? They had to do that on purpose. :wacko:

Gee thanks mom and dad for a childhoodof teasing. :mad:
That sounds like something someone would name their kids after burning down a couple of ganja sticks. You know, it was funny at the time!:wub: