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Forum Veterans: Tell me why guaranteed issue for under 65 will be any different in 2014 and beyond than the turning 65 guarantee issue medicare supplement market has been for years. Why won't we still have something to sell to the under 65 market as many here on this forum have made a living selling to seniors in the Medicare supplement market for years? Why will selling to the under 65 folks be any different? When all is said and done the exchange plans probably won't cover everything, will they - thus the need for a supplement? Maybe the sky is not falling. Tell me why I am right and tell me why I am wrong. What am I missing here? People have made good money for years selling med sups to 65 and older. Why not 65 and younger? I hear nothing of the gov't hiring 16,000 new navigators to sign people up, with or without a subsidy...We are already here. Why can't licensed agents be the ones to sign up 30 million new people, and make a living doing it? Why not, why not?
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