Organizing Leads... how do you do it?

Life Hawk

5000 Post Club
The influx of leads on a weekly basis is getting to be a challenge to keep up with.

Was wondering how some of you approach this. What systems do you have in place to keep track of leads so that they just don't slip away in a pile somewhere and you are clue less.

I print each lead out on to a form that tracks each batch by issue date, and each lead has a number. The sheet also has an are of note keeping by date so that each follow-up is tracked, but beyond that I'm needing some ideas of how others manage the flow of weekly leads.

Thanks in advance.
Not asking about quality... but control of inventory. Specifically DM leads that can be printed and scanned. How do others organize, file and retrieve these to insure they are not just dumping what hasn't been defined as a "bad prospect" or "no sale".

Color added for @myinsurebiz 's benefit.
Not asking about quality... but control of inventory. Specifically DM leads that can be printed and scanned. How do others organize, file and retrieve these to insure they are not just dumping what hasn't been defined as a "bad prospect" or "no sale".

Color added for @myinsurebiz 's benefit.
I work them hard while they're fresh, then put them in a file by zip code in carrier route order (the +4 part of the zip code). Then when I've got some free time, I pull them out for whatever zip code I happen to be in, and doorknock them in route order (and their neighbors).
CRM I could not see how to organize leads without a CRM if the are a decent number of leads

Many CRMS out there for dif needs I don't think there is a perfect one but most can help considerably with lead organization
Not asking about quality... but control of inventory

Vic is having a rough decade ;)

I am no longer on a regular DM order but I have lots of old DM's, both my own and leads I bought from other agents. I keep them sorted by zip code in a three ring binder, and I use clear plastic report covers to contain the leads. I use a yellow post it note to identify the zip code and the number of leads remaining i that zip code. I update whenever I sell or trash a lead and I do it as I am leaving the prospect/client's home. I keep each zip code sorted into zip+ 4 order which almost always assures me that the leads are routed for max efficiency in the order they are sorted.

@jdeasy always said he sorted by zip code in file folders. So I just copied from him. The reason I use the binder rather than the folder system is just me.

Sort them by zip+4 and keep working a lead until they buy, die, or tell you to go Vic yourself (just kiddiing with ya' Vic). This is my DM binder. I Have an FB lead binder but its out in my Mobile Office right now. I use three ring dividers with tabs to separate the zip codes.

Just keep every lead and organize them by zip code and you'll leave no lead behind.
FE Binder.jpg
Vic is having a rough decade ;)

I am no longer on a regular DM order but I have lots of old DM's, both my own and leads I bought from other agents. I keep them sorted by zip code in a three ring binder, and I use clear plastic report covers to contain the leads. I use a yellow post it note to identify the zip code and the number of leads remaining i that zip code. I update whenever I sell or trash a lead and I do it as I am leaving the prospect/client's home. I keep each zip code sorted into zip+ 4 order which almost always assures me that the leads are routed for max efficiency in the order they are sorted.

@jdeasy always said he sorted by zip code in file folders. So I just copied from him. The reason I use the binder rather than the folder system is just me.

Sort them by zip+4 and keep working a lead until they buy, die, or tell you to go Vic yourself (just kiddiing with ya' Vic). This is my DM binder. I Have an FB lead binder but its out in my Mobile Office right now. I use three ring dividers with tabs to separate the zip codes.

Just keep every lead and organize them by zip code and you'll leave no lead behind.
View attachment 6828

Hey Listen I may have had a rough year last year in leads But I made up for it in referrals and client changes, I did very well last year despite the issues and AEP I got better lead sources I still use now

You may like to go in the ring with the angry puppies I don't. I prefer more reasonable people
Hey Listen I may have had a rough year last year in leads But I made up for it in referrals and client changes, I did very well last year despite the issues and AEP I got better lead sources I still use now

You may like to go in the ring with the angry puppies I don't. I prefer more reasonable people
Dude! He's just teasing you! Don't be so pugnacious!
Might I suggest a CRM?

Now I know it was about DM specifically, but many big mail houses will give you a spreadsheet to import.

If not, pay someone on or a few bucks to input them into a spreadsheet. You could even have them take screenshots and add the image files to one of the columns.

Then import that bad boy into Agent Autopilot.
I have a CRM, my issue with using it my CRM is I don't want much in there except for clients and very good prospects to follow-up on. I don't want to dump a bunch of junk in it.

Thanks guys for the input. I will look into the +4 digit idea on the zips. If I remember, I'll post what I end up doing so that we can continue the discussion. Always open to learning and implementing new ideas.