Overcoming Objections in FE Sales

to Ed & JD,

Appreicaite both comments and i must admit it is exactly what I had expected you would say. Whether your selling cars, insurance, real estate or widgets; sales is sales and either you have it or u don't, most of the time. Hard work can keep you in the game a little longer but most of the time it probably just prolongs the agony.

JD, you do come down hard on telemarketing FE, which I do agree with 100%. But you did almost suggest a little wiggle room with your comment about a good agent, with a good understanding of the FE market could make it in either arena.

When you speak with old timers in sales most of them will say you sell one thing over the phone, an appointment.

thanks again for your comments.
to Ed & JD,

Appreicaite both comments and i must admit it is exactly what I had expected you would say. Whether your selling cars, insurance, real estate or widgets; sales is sales and either you have it or u don't, most of the time. Hard work can keep you in the game a little longer but most of the time it probably just prolongs the agony.

JD, you do come down hard on telemarketing FE, which I do agree with 100%. But you did almost suggest a little wiggle room with your comment about a good agent, with a good understanding of the FE market could make it in either arena.

When you speak with old timers in sales most of them will say you sell one thing over the phone, an appointment.

thanks again for your comments.

Not really wiggle room. I do not believe that FE sales is suited to telemarketing.

I do believe that an experienced FE agent that understands the market could sell FE by phone. I believe that I could.

I do not believe that I would have the same success by phone as by face to face. If I did believe that it could be done as succesfully, or even close, I would do it that way. Has to be easier!

I know I would spend much more in lead costs. I know I would lose more clients and I know I wouldn't get the referrals that I get now. Referrals are probably 25% of my business.

I define true sucess in the FE field as a person making over $100,000 per year after lead costs.
All sales positions have high turnover in all industries.

It's not for everyone, that's for sure.

I completely agree with you on that. I believe I can do better with FE f2f vs. telesales as I wrote another policy today but that's only after sharing pictures and doing a video conference which made her felt more comfortable working with me. I haven't master the art of painting a picture in someone's head just by using the phone only and I'm just going to give f2f thing a try.

Dennis Butcher
I'm new to the insurance industry and I've partnered up with a marketing group which we use Pioneer American Insurance for Final Expense. I've been making my dials and also wrote some policies not nearly as much as I would like to though. Most of the the senior citizens that I come across don't have computers, but for one that do, I would conduct a screen share with them so then can see who I am, such as pictures which builds a relationship and I almost always write a policy. For the most that don't have a computer, brings up a different story and that is the common objections that I come across such as send something in the mail, let me think about it and the biggest one I don't want to give my checking info over the phone so anyone working telesales have any advices? I'm also considering trying the f2f way. Thanks:1cool:

Ask your upline for advice to your questions. My guess is they don't know the answers since they don't understand FE tele-sales.

People who say "just mail me something" or "let me think it over", if said after a good thorough 30 min.-60 min. conversation, are just plain old "no's"...whether face 2 face or using tele-sales. These people are to nice to say "no" directly and just beat around the bush. "No's" come in all sizes, shapes, and colors.

Now, if you hear the above objections before you've hardly even warmed them up, that's a different matter. They have not heard your conversation/presentation/info to even know if they want it or even how much it costs. Lots of variables here. Maybe you called them at a bad time...getting ready to go to the Dr.'s office, grand kids misbehaving, they're watching their favorite TV soap opera, etc. If this is the case you need to get off the phone quickly before they say they're not interested. Plan to call them another time.

In almost 7 yrs. of FE tele-sales I've never used a computer with the prospect.

When using tele-sales you will need a longer warm up, get the folks talking and laughing with you. With tele-sales hearing only is involved. With face 2 face hearing and sight are involved. That's why your voice has to be friendly, slightly enthusiastic, genuine and not phony, you have to speak a little slower, plus much more.

As far as getting the banking info over the phone, most new agents who don't have the proper training, will struggle with this. For ex., you don't say "we'll take it out of your bank acc't. each month on the 5th". Some people will get nervous hearing this, they don't tell u they r nervous about this, and start to back peddle on you when u think u were getting a sale. Much better to say "your bank will send this off for you each month on the 5th". And even for this to work, you have got to lay the foundation beforehand.

There's a lot more on this topic I could share with u but I'm not since I don't want to educate any of the tele-sales competition reading this post. This is just one reason some FE Co.'s get into tele-sales and then their agents are struggling....they don't provide good training on tele-sales fine points.

Whether face 2 face or tele-sales you need to paint mental pictures and use emotion. For ex: Ms. Jones down the road when the good Lord calls you home, whose responsibility is it to have that money on hand to pay for your funeral and other expenses, yours or your children? Ms. Jones almost always says it's her responsibility. Then say "I understand, but why wouldn't you just leave it for your children and family to worry about". Ms. Jones will then say something to the effect that it's her responsibility, her children have their own lives/problems, etc.

What's happening here is instead of you telling Ms. Jones why she needs this policy, Ms. Jones is telling you why she needs this policy. And that's exactly what you want to happen. Ms. Jones is telling you and HERSELF why she needs this policy. Ms. Jones will buy easier if she sees for herself that she needs the policy, not you telling her she needs this policy.

I could write a book on how to be sucessful using FE tele-sales only because I've been doing it full-time for almost 7 yrs. Of course I also had 6 yrs. experience face 2 face before tele-sales which is definitely helpful, but not necessary.

I've got 4 succesful agents using tele-sales (they write $1500-$3000 per week each) here in my office who have NEVER done face 2 face sales. These 4 people got their license about 3 months ago. I've also got 5 other agents doing well using tele-sales who DID have face 2 face experience before they joined my team.

FE tele-sales works for some (the ones who have the proper training/coaching, work ethic, and a steady supply of fresh exclusive leads) just like face 2 face. Of course some people can not/will not do either.

If you or anyone else wants to make a career of FE tele-sales contact me. What you would need: tremendous work ethic, be coachable, have a burning desire to succeed, willing to spend $500 or more per week for leads and able to come to Raleigh, NC for a week of some of the best tele-sales/FE training available. and be committed to doing this only full-time.

What I bring to the table is: almost 7 successful years doing only FE tele-sales, available for phone consultation anytime Mon-Sat, encouragement, complete honesty and transparency, and a wealth of knowledge about this method. If I can train 4 brand new just licensed rookies to write $1500-$3000 each per week using FE tele-sales, and some other experienced face 2 face agents also....well....couldn't you learn to do tele-sales also?

There's a whole lot more info available about FE tele-sales, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
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i agree. we are thinking along the same kind of lines. I do find at my age, 56, and in my state of mind I am more into enjoying life and less concerned about the money as long as I keep the wolves away.

my perfect month is 2 days on the road 2 weeks, and one day on the road for 2 weeks. Going out tomorrow about a hundered miles from home with 5 appointments and would expect to write 4 out of the 5. I will leave at 9 am and should be back by 7. Two of the appointments are husband and wife so I should write between 4 and 7 @ $60 per month ave.

I think my problem is I tend to work leads too long. I should be making sure I always have fresh leads coming in so I always have good leads to work. I find press one leads are best when you can reach them within a day or two of the call. All of my leads are press one type leads. I got 9 leads on tuesday and contacted 6 of them yesterday and got 5 solid appointments.

I have never really worked mailers all that much and when I did I really didnt like them. I think I had it in my mind they were not gonna be good and that might have tainted them. I would suspect the need to contact them quickly is not as important as press one leads?

Have any of you guys worked both press one leads as well as mailers, and if so give me your thoughts on both. I'd appreciate it.
Just an observation from a 1st year guy in f.e...Before I started f2f, the "IDEA" of over the phone appealed to me..Sounded great and I'm sure some do well with it..For me it was a good thing that I went f2f instead of phone sales...I think that you learn more of what to do, not to do , say , not to say when you're doing f2f business "as a rook". Most importantly, I can't imagine the long term relationship building with your clients being anywhere near the same level over the phone as it can be with f2f...Referrals that call you are nothing short of amazing. That happens imo from connecting with your clients in person..But if someone is getting a healthy dose of referrals from over the phone, they got my respect !:1wink:
Greg's post was good. He obviously knows his stuff. If I was going to sell Senior Life by phone I would definitely want to be in his group.

That being said...I would rather have a vasectomy via weedwacker than sell insurance over the phone.