P&C Agents - Sneaky?

Sounds to me like your a pain in the @$$ typical *** client. What on earth do you give 2 $hits for if the CSR went to rewrite your policy? Maybe she thought your price sucked & could get you a better price? Maybe (more likely) you bit*ched about your price in the process & she figured a rewrite was best.

I could understand if she force fed the rewrite down your throat (or did it w/out telling you) and you subsequently lost accident forgivness or something. But otherwise, how do you even have the time in your day to email the agency owner over something so trivial? I guarantee you the agency owner wants to write back "shut up you complainer" and i hope he just deletes your email

Nothing happened to you, you're not out anything.

Insurance1822's dictionary references an "*** client" or "bum" as one of (but not limited to the following.) *A client who's created their own expectation about how things should work*

Your reasoning about not wanting to leave Nationwide proves my point. You're a bum & us P&C agents hate bums like you.

Go to an independent agency who represents a bunch of carriers & get quotes. If you came to my office & complained about how your existing agent tried to screw you w/ a rewrite and blah blah blah blah I just wouldn't call you back.

My thoughts exactly. This is obviously of the 10% that take up 90% of your time.
It would help if we knew what the "couple of changes" were.

Gave them my policy #, asked to add 1 new vehicle on (liability & comp), and to remove collision coverage from another.

Interestingly I got an email last night from the agent who was helping me. She said everything was taken care of and apologized for trying to put me into a NEW policy vs just making the changes I requested. She said after reviewing everything it was actually better for me to stay in the policy I have, than go into a new one (which was what my agent told me last year - this lady was not my agent).

I didn't post this to have you guys attack me personally. Maybe my post came off the wrong way. I wanted to know if this is standard procedure for P&C agents, or if it wasn't - was there some other reason behind it. Either way, I didn't ask for a new policy....she shouldn't have been setting one up without either A) asking me if I wanted to be quoted for a new policy or B) I asked to be quoted for a new one. I guess I'm just a pain in the ass for not wanting someone to make changes that I didn't know about or request.

To flip the coin... you call me to ask about a change to your investment acct or life insurance. Rather than simply make the change you requested - how you requested it, I set you up a new acct or policy that has that change included - without asking you or telling you. You'd be ok with that, because I'm the advisor so I must know whats best for you? (nevermind the fact that it might be better for me). Obviously I couldn't do that due to regulation - among other things, but it makes my point.
The problem is you're the same guy that would get quoted from a competitor & walk into your agent's office demanding a price reduction. They would requote your policy & save you money. You'd then spend an hour b*tching about why they didn't do it sooner!

How is this girl supposed to know the agent reviewed your policy just last year? How does she know things haven't changed since then? Carriers introduce new rating structures every so often (like Travelers w/ Quantum 2.0) so agency's will many times proactively check if you're able to get better rates.

There's most likely NO financial incentive to re-write your policy unless you were in a non-standard tier paying 8% and then can take you into preferred paying them 15%. But even then it would never happen unless it made sense for the customer.

Some carriers will look at items written in a particular month & maybe if they rewrote your policy it would show as a few new items...only to have the item count net itself out the following month when they cancel the old one. Maybe the agency staff gets paid $25/policy over their baseline & this is their last month to do so & they know how to play the system? Again, IT WOULDN'T HAPPEN UNLESS IT MADE SENSE FOR YOU. Only way you could be pissed is if they did this w/out you knowing & you subsequently lost coverage.

I would document your file & say this guy DOESN'T WANT TO BE QUOTED POTENTIALLY BETTER RATES UNLESS HE REQUESTS IT. Then when you complain down the road about your price I'd pull the history & slam that in your face.

Nothing personal (you lead your life as a consumer how you so choose) but you're the service nightmirror that makes our business suck. It's the people like you who are the reason WE need to pay service people. It's the people like you who made this CSR hate her job & hate people in general. She has an email sent to the agency owner over what? Because she tried to rewrite you? In the 2% chance this girl was actually trying to screw the system at your expense to get paid...I would agree with you. But there's a 98% chance she was just doing her damn job.

Dude (and I speak to people as a whole here..) and you're just somebody to pin this one...but why do you consumers have suck sticks up your @$$? I mean really?

I wasted 3 hours of my day yesterday re-quotting 2 households. One guy added a 3rd young driver & is getting murdered on his price. I requoted his policies w/ all my carriers because I can't sit back knowing he may be getting raped. Could you imagine if this Dbag turned around & got pissed because I requotted him w/out his permission? I save clients money every day all day because I requote their policies because I represent a bunch of carriers & do what's best for them. If I waited for them to ask we'd have 70% of people over paying for their insurance because they're too stupid to ask.

And i swear to god as I was finishing this post I had a client call me back just to thank me for redoing their policy! It's a sign from god that I'm right & you're an overly self entitled consumer who thinks all business's are out to get you!
Gave them my policy #, asked to add 1 new vehicle on (liability & comp), and to remove collision coverage from another.

Interestingly I got an email last night from the agent who was helping me. She said everything was taken care of and apologized for trying to put me into a NEW policy vs just making the changes I requested. She said after reviewing everything it was actually better for me to stay in the policy I have, than go into a new one (which was what my agent told me last year - this lady was not my agent).

I didn't post this to have you guys attack me personally. Maybe my post came off the wrong way. I wanted to know if this is standard procedure for P&C agents, or if it wasn't - was there some other reason behind it. Either way, I didn't ask for a new policy....she shouldn't have been setting one up without either A) asking me if I wanted to be quoted for a new policy or B) I asked to be quoted for a new one. I guess I'm just a pain in the ass for not wanting someone to make changes that I didn't know about or request.

To flip the coin... you call me to ask about a change to your investment acct or life insurance. Rather than simply make the change you requested - how you requested it, I set you up a new acct or policy that has that change included - without asking you or telling you. You'd be ok with that, because I'm the advisor so I must know whats best for you? (nevermind the fact that it might be better for me). Obviously I couldn't do that due to regulation - among other things, but it makes my point.

So you chewed her out over taking time out of her day to try and improve your situation if it were possible? I'm sorry, but I've been dealing with the public from every angle for 15+ years (was a restaurant manager in college, after that was a case manager in a personal injury law firm, operate a buy-here pay-here car lot, and am a P&C agent), and I know the type. Someone who gets pissed at the drop of a hat because of some entitlement mentality. Maybe that's really not you, but it sure is the way you came off complaining about this lady.

Now, if she rewrote you without you knowing, you'd be on to something. That would be wrong. But she didn't hide the fact she was looking at doing a rewrite - she explained that to you. And when it turned out to not make sense, she didn't go through with it, she kept you in your current policy. This happens in my agency too. I stop my client, tell them, "hey, you might benefit from making a change", check into it, and if it turns out I was wrong about it, then no harm done and we keep them where they are.

I'm sorry man, but from all appearances, she was doing her job the way she was supposed to be doing it, and as thanks she got reamed because you're apparently over-sensitive.
What you will find in the P&C world as you get more veteran.. and granted I never did personal lines so maybe it is different.

The highly successful producers are very selective with who they will quote .. I learned this the hard way when I started my career.

I wanted to be that guy who answered his cell phone any time of the day for a $600 BOP policy... IMPOSSIBLE TO BE SUCCESSFUL THAT WAY.

Just the honest to god truth.