Paid As Earned


New Member
My appointment applications were turned down by a few carriers for poor credit rating. As an independent, I do need good carriers in my lineup. I heard from multiple sources, including this forum, eventually these carriers most likely will accept me as a paid as earned agent to avoid potential charge back problem. I just wonder if someone with first hand experience can share his/her story with me.
gonna be aweful difficult to succeed as paid as earned, unless you have something else your selling to make a larger chunck of cash at a time
Actually, paid as earned only has a negative impact for the first 9 - 12 months. After that, it begins to work out better, since it gives you a smoother cash flow.

It's nice to have a bit of both. In the P&C world, we get a little spoiled since the renewals pay pretty decent (compared to first year) and we are a bit more high volume. The renewals act almost the same as 'paid as earned' would.

To be honest, I could never make it as a life only agent with advances. I would do well some months and then other months struggle to figure out how to put food on the table. Paid as earned gives you a steady diet of top ramen.

Dan I found out from experiance that u can only be good in P&C or life can not do both well. I had high life producers come to allstate and then could not do both. P&C takes a lot of time to service and retain. I usally do about 20k in life sales a year.
Thanks for all the sppedy responses. I'm in life and annuity market. The carriers rejecting me are Omaha, American equity and LSW.

I don't mind paid as earned if that is the only way I can get appointed. I can do more single preimium annuity to balance it out. I'm more interested to find how likely I can get appointed that way.
Thanks for all the sppedy responses. I'm in life and annuity market. The carriers rejecting me are Omaha, American equity and LSW.

I don't mind paid as earned if that is the only way I can get appointed. I can do more single preimium annuity to balance it out. I'm more interested to find how likely I can get appointed that way.

Just give it a try and indicate you want "paid as earned." Good luck!
Thanks for all the sppedy responses. I'm in life and annuity market. The carriers rejecting me are Omaha, American equity and LSW.

I don't mind paid as earned if that is the only way I can get appointed. I can do more single preimium annuity to balance it out. I'm more interested to find how likely I can get appointed that way.

Going with an IMO/GA/FMO/ABC/QRD/LOL/OMG or what ever may get you a better response than going direct. Their reputation will carry more weight than your.

Going with an IMO/GA/FMO/ABC/QRD/LOL/OMG or what ever may get you a better response than going direct. Their reputation will carry more weight than your.


Dan I found out from experiance that u can only be good in P&C or life can not do both well. I had high life producers come to allstate and then could not do both. P&C takes a lot of time to service and retain. I usally do about 20k in life sales a year.

Yep, I hate selling life. I do it, from time to time, but it is a huge distraction and takes way to long for the little bit of money it brings in (realizing I sell mostly term when I sell life).
