Paige's 3 Tips 4 the Day


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Ciao (Hello in EYETALIAN)

Constant ,disciplined action is the key to SUCCESS!
1. Go to work (Duh)
2. Make MONEY(helping others BE A DO GOODER)

Ciao for now, rockstars (also goodbye in Italian)

I must go spend some time reading posts now because I am a newby

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Constant ,disciplined action is the key to SUCCESS!
1. Go to work
2. Make MONEY(helping others )

Ciau for now, rockstars

1. Going to work is what a lot of people do. The problem is what they do once they get there. There is a big difference between working and doing activity that will generate sales.

2. Make Money (helping others). There are a lot of ways we can help others that will not make us a penny. We are not charities.

3. Have fun. I agree with this. We should enjoy what we do or look for something else to do.

On a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate these tips for the day at about a 4. I would rate your choice of ink colors as a 1.
We have just witnessed the second coming of Rob Liano but in female form lol.

But in all seriouslness I love having fun on my appointments, I have had several clients play instruments or talk politics or culture...

OK this one made me laugh! I actually get that guys motivational emails and he is a hottie:1wink: