Pelosi on the Prowl


5000 Post Club
Pelosi still angling around in the background looking for an opening all while telling others that she is committed to following a slower, more deliberate and bipartisan process.

As discussed earlier, I just hope people like McCain stay out of it and stop trying to be the bipartisan savior when the dems need to simply work it out on their own. Pull the trigger or take the gun down. My comments would apply to Olympia as well, although she is feeling fully scorned these days and is not going to be initiating much. I expect her to go moderate and bipartisan when the time comes but this is not the time. The dems need to stand down fully. You dont put a silver stake through Pelosi and Reid then they will just say they are being bipatisan all while they are looking for a chance to pull the trigger.

If the repubs want to continue to emphasize that they are willing to work on a bipartisan plan then that is fine and necessary. That doesn mean they need to rescue this monstrosity.

It is not the repubs job to find a way for them to make some version of their bill work. The whole process was/is too dirty and needs to be scrapped. You cant put bondo and duct tape on that pig (referring to the bill here, not Pelosi but that too.)

Health-care: Pelosi's plan for a patch: The Swamp
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