

Super Genius
100+ Post Club
The AP (10/16, Werner) notes that Speaker Pelosi argued "that the case is growing stronger for allowing the government to sell health insurance in competition with private companies, contending recent attacks from the industry should dispel any doubts." She said, "Anyone who had any doubts about the need for such an option need only look at the behavior of the health insurance industry this week."

What does she think the insurers will do? Sit back and let the government take over their industry? I mean come on if the Government decided to get into the retail business because pepole were spending too much on consumer goods do you think WalMart would just sit back and say hey that's great bring on the competition. No they would fight it every step of the way and the industry as a whole would spend millions trying to stop it. Sound familiar....

It's amazing some of the idiotic ideas and comments coming out of this debate (on both sides). It is no longer about trying to improve the system but about making the other side look like the bad guy. In the end all this will likely not really help anyone.
The AP (10/16, Werner) notes that Speaker Pelosi argued "that the case is growing stronger for allowing the government to sell health insurance in competition with private companies, contending recent attacks from the industry should dispel any doubts." She said, "Anyone who had any doubts about the need for such an option need only look at the behavior of the health insurance industry this week."

What does she think the insurers will do? Sit back and let the government take over their industry? I mean come on if the Government decided to get into the retail business because pepole were spending too much on consumer goods do you think WalMart would just sit back and say hey that's great bring on the competition. No they would fight it every step of the way and the industry as a whole would spend millions trying to stop it. Sound familiar....

It's amazing some of the idiotic ideas and comments coming out of this debate (on both sides). It is no longer about trying to improve the system but about making the other side look like the bad guy. In the end all this will likely not really help anyone.

Your Wal-Mart analogy is appreciated.
The idea that Govt. can step in and offer an alternative to a good or service that is available from the private sector is more than a little disturbing.
"Reform" indeed. Why is this industry different than any other? SOME legislation, not obliteration.
Pelosi. Enough of that yappy little cha wa wa.
What's next?
I know, if Thelma's Barbecue doesn't toe whatever line they decide to draw in the future, they'll just open up Barry's Beefy Bone's next door, ya know just to keep the prices down for all you grilled meat lovers? Maybe offer subsidized beer to sweeten the deal a lil bit?
Makes me SICK!
If government can do it better and cheaper than the insurance industry, then do it. If government can't, then don't do it. It's a simple yes or no, either or proposition.

I wish someone would point out what the government does well, aside from military, courts and road building (maybe).

And saying "Medicare" doesn't qualify because they spend twice what they take in.

Government corrupts and absolute government corrupts absolutely (TM).

Pelosi has gone out of her way to demonize the insurance industry thinking that it will rally troops to her cause.

The only reason that the public option is not such a lightning rid is the fact that it's not is the Baucus bill. And there are no more town hall meetings for people to voice their anger.
Pelosi has gone out of her way to demonize the insurance industry thinking that it will rally troops to her cause.

The only reason that the public option is not such a lightning rid is the fact that it's not is the Baucus bill. And there are no more town hall meetings for people to voice their anger.

And you KNOW, they thought that they were going to have big time support for a public option expressed at these town halls which they no doubt intended to use as media fodder to support and promote their "cause."
Didn't exactly work out, but ... "the fight goes on ..."
Ad nauseaum.

This just in.
Why the hell don't the repubs. hold some "town hall " meetings in order to keep the brain functioning public's views on this in the media forefront?

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If government can do it better and cheaper than the insurance industry, then do it. If government can't, then don't do it. It's a simple yes or no, either or proposition.


Da comrade Da.
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The road to the insurance industry is paved with broken promises, fine print, and bones of their agents.

ins.dave and the rest of you folks have been in this business long enough to know how the industry generally operates. With a few exceptions, the blue Correction Dept. bus should empty-out and load-up every "corner office" occupant.

I was a company marketing officer for many years. I know first-hand what a bunch of theives and bandits most of these companies are.

Many of the products are wonderful, and help millions of families. The industry itself, however, is as phony as the last Afghan election.

To keep defending it is pure self-interest.

I wish someone would point out what the government does well, aside from military, courts and road building (maybe).

And saying "Medicare" doesn't qualify because they spend twice what they take in.

Government corrupts and absolute government corrupts absolutely (TM).


I recently saw a posting showing medicare percentage of claims denied was higher than Aetnas which was the industries highest....and with medicare you can't shop your core coverage like you could with a private carrier.....not to mention that Medicare is going broke.

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