Per Ario - Agents Part of Exchange


5000 Post Club
It all comes down to the state you live in, and are licensed in. Some of us may be adding additonal states to our arsenal. The leftist states will be left behind, the repub goverships should be your focus.

"Each state will be able to define its own exchange "Navigator" program, and each state likely will have the authority to decide whether its navigators must be licensed insurance producers, Ario said.
"The intent of the Navigators is not to replace agents," Ario said, but to reach out to "hard-to-reach populations not currently served by agents."
States will have to figure out the role of brokers in the individual market and state exchanges, but brokers are almost sure to have a presence in the exchange programs set up to serve small businesses, Ario said."
In later comments, Susan Voss, the Iowa insurance commissioner, seem to imply that the states also expect agents to have a strong role in the exchange programs.

Ario to NAHU: Agents Likely to be Part of Exchange System - Regulatory,Legislative and Tax Issues - Life and Health Insurance News
"The intent of the Navigators is not to replace agents," Ario said, but to reach out to "hard-to-reach populations not currently served by agents."

I love these types of quotes. First the Government makes it nearly impossible to reach people legally...DNC, Robo calls illegal etc...These hard to reach people don't want to be bothered or they would have contacted a state Health & Human Services person and been enrolled in a state program already.

I don't do health insurance, but a show of hands how many agents won't work with a person seeking coverage? We as agents don't have taxpayer money behind us to run all the ads in the world, heck the states can't even enroll everyone entitled to be enrolled in Medicaid....And they have access to tax return information.

Okay I'll stop ranting, it just irks me to know end when someone infers that agents won't work with a set of the population.
good news. thanks for the info
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Rep. Rob Andrews, D-N.J., a senior Democratic member of the House Energy and the Workforce Committee, said he would support a PPACA amendment clarifying that subsidies could be provided to consumers who qualified for the subsidies whether or not the consumers bought insurance "inside or outside the exchanges."

this is HUGE
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I was at NAHU's Capitol Conference and just got home. Let me tell you that we as professional health agents were very well received by both sides of the aisle, and this is very positive news. I will write more tomorrow, 3 18 hour days in a row...must sleep.
JosephDeacon-Looking forward to reading your in-depth post.
You Got Money-"they can take their xchange and shove it" I love your attitude-one less agent for me to compete with!
This is great news! We all know that the 20% commission model is ancient history. However, I believe and hope that the indy market will still be a place where the nimble agent can make a nice profit. Significantly lower commissions will be offset a bit by many more qualified, confused prospects.
Can u believe the amount of money being doled out to these states. BTW, ehealth did the website for $6 million......helluva bargain. Your tax dollars at work...

The states receiving grants, which were appropriated by the law last year and thus insulated somewhat from the current budget battle on Capitol Hill, are: Kansas ($31.5 million), Maryland ($6.2 million), Massachusetts ($35.6 million), New York ($27.4 million), Oklahoma ($54.6 million), Oregon ($48.1 million) and Wisconsin ($37.8 million).
