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Yesterday afternoon, I was kicking back, not selling insurance, willing my phone to ring, when it did! My phone rang! A sound that is music to my ears. Of course, it could mean one of a few things- bill collector (they suck), service work, or a new client(!!!). It was none of the above! Guess who called me? (Hint in title)
That's right! Nevada Health Link called ME! Why would they do that, you wonder. I did not get a complaint. I sold 6 policies for cripes sake! No, they called me asking if I got paid. They are actually concerned that I was paid for the business I wrote! Of course, they are not as concerned about the case that's been in limbo for 3 months, but I digress. . .
After 8 months, I'm finally going to be compensated for the work I did! I'm so excited!
Honestly, I wrote that business off as pro-bono. I had no intention of actually chasing anyone down to get my $20. It's pretty cool that our Exchange is trying to be a little pro-active in making sure we are taken care of. Thought you guys would like to see a little positive change.
That's right! Nevada Health Link called ME! Why would they do that, you wonder. I did not get a complaint. I sold 6 policies for cripes sake! No, they called me asking if I got paid. They are actually concerned that I was paid for the business I wrote! Of course, they are not as concerned about the case that's been in limbo for 3 months, but I digress. . .
After 8 months, I'm finally going to be compensated for the work I did! I'm so excited!
Honestly, I wrote that business off as pro-bono. I had no intention of actually chasing anyone down to get my $20. It's pretty cool that our Exchange is trying to be a little pro-active in making sure we are taken care of. Thought you guys would like to see a little positive change.