Phone Calls


New Member
I am cold calling on Dr. office's (WC) and I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to get through to the office manager??

Any tips are appreciated.

I am cold calling on Dr. office's (WC) and I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to get through to the office manager??

Any tips are appreciated.


I go in with coffee (usually Starbucks) for all and ask to speak with the office manager. It usually gets me in. Or you can call, ask how many are in the office and what kind of pizza they would like for lunch.
Back in the day when I worked in a office it was policy that the office staff didn't talk to any sales reps that were not offering food.
Because I cover the entire state of Texas I am trying to get face to face appointments via phone calls ahead of time...That is where I am trying to get through to the office manager.
In my area is it NOT what everyone is doing. I have great success because I seem to be the only one doing it here. Everytime I visit a new Doctor office they are excited and tell me no one else has done this. Not even the pharmacutical reps. They bring pens and pads of paper. Food works much better.

Yup, you can bring food or donuts or whatever...and be just like everyone else.

Ever think of mailing a note that makes them want to call you?