Placing 1-9 pieces of equip Trucking Industry Non Fleet (Help Me)

I am appointed with Norman-Spencer but I would like to get another carrier besides progressive that handles non fleet sized trucking risks. Can any experienced seasoned brokers help me? Much appreciated I just want to get appointed with a carrier that can help me place these risks.

I have been told 10 pieces of equipment qualifies as a fleet I am looking for a company that can help me place under 10 no problem.
what state are you in

which companies does norman spencer write with?

few that come to mind is northland Scottsdale and a few others. some regionals will write 300 miles some up to 500 depending on what it is.
what state are you in

which companies does norman spencer write with?

few that come to mind is northland Scottsdale and a few others. some regionals will write 300 miles some up to 500 depending on what it is.

I'm in the State of California. Norman-Spencer for trucking writes with Northern Star or Everest.