Please Help Us With the Medicare Plan Mess, State Regulators Ask CMS

If you can't figure out a solution, ask a knowledgeable agent who can offer solutions that don't require you to switch to a MAPD.
Or look at all your options - including MAPD and Medigap - with the help of a truly impartial agent with no bias or preconceived notion about either option …
BCBS has a 0.00 MAPD with no deductible and Tier 3 47.00 copay along with 2500.00 dental plus all the extras. No idea how anyone would keep paying $150+ for a Med Sup and then have a crappy drug plan with a $590 deductible and 25% Tier 3 drugs. Not to mention $90.00/quarter for all their OTC needs. I will have less then 30 clients on Med Sups after this AEP and will add 50+ new clients to MAPD.