Political Humor

I appreciate people wanting to home-school their kids, but how the hell do you do the math and science subjects?

I had great SAT scores in math and I've always been pretty good at science-related topics (physics/chemistry) but once my daughter hit something like 7th grade, I couldn't do, let alone help her with, her homework anymore lol.
My wife and I led a co-op where teachers lead class once a week as children work through the classes the rest of the week with parents. 2 things that MUST be if one is to home school... both student and parent must be willing to work an learn together. We raised 3 and homeschooled all through high school while we led these programs.

As an aside... after countless conversations with parents who one or both held bachelors degrees and above, I was amazed at how many felt unable or unequipped to teach their own children. We live in a time of vast resources to help and aid the effort. I believe that "education is you learning". Until a student will take responsibility for their own learning home or public, students will not learn. (Younger ages are where to teach a love a learning... not this programing crap we have feed our young and vulnerable minds. Garbage in... garbage out.)

I am a product of the public school system before it ran amuck and begam a political monster that it is now, spuing the stuff that produces the stuff you see. (Think through that one for just a moment.)

As you can see, I have some very strong feelings about education. The reality is TRUTH has become something that can be one thing for you and another for me... they attacked absolutes when I was in school... how's that working for everyone now?

Too long in the tooth...:) sorry for the rant, but we should be ashamed in this country for what mainstream education has become. We have given ourselves enough rope, expect to be hung.