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Portable Printer Luggage, HP Officejet 100


1000 Post Club
I took some good advice and bought a portable printer, which is collecting dust in the box because it uses Bluetooth. My ol' laptop, I just couldn't even bring myself to try.

Fast forward, just ordered a new ultrabook.
So, now....we can really put this mobile office show on the road.

I am thinking one of those fabric or leather look rolling computer/equipment cases. They have them at Office Depot, Best Buy, Amazon, etc.

Mobile printer users, what carriers do you use?
Many producers have morphed into using touch-screen tablets that can collect signatures, or other e-app methods. Basically, we're not using as much paper as we used to.

However, those little printers are expensive and just add more bulk for when you enter into a client's home.

I used to keep a standard inkjet printer (multi-function print, copy, scan) in my trunk... plugged into an AC/DC converter. (Just fed the power cable through the back seat split.) Then I'd just connect to the printer via USB and print whatever it was that I needed. It was cheaper and faster... and you just leave everything in the trunk.

Of course, if these are forms you use on a regular basis, you can just print out a few and keep them in a plastic bin ready to grab when needed.


Oh, and to really do this right, you need an AutoExec desk on your passenger side so you have a place to store and use your computer when you're in your car. (Parked, of course.)


Yes, one day, more will be touch screen, thus my new ultrabook with touchscreen.
Still, there are those wet signature carrier hold out situations. Fillable app, but still need signed. One appointment sale, this can help.
Like the desk. Thanks for pics.
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I deal with a lot of seniors so emailing apps isn't an option. I do carry one of those hp 100 printers and I like it. it is heavy and bulky, but it does the job. I can print from my tablet and it does the job.
I just bought an HP470? I think. It's pretty small. Prints through blue tooth or connected to my phone/iPad wired.

Just got it to print those pesky forms that I don't carry all the time.

AND for the 6000 corrections I have to make to Transamerica apps.
My iPad is the 16g Air, a few months old & I haven't taken the time to figure out how to work with documents. I guess I could have things saved in the cloud? I am in the old mindset of save on the hard drive, click print. Not sure if saving docs on iPad would fill up the memory. Soon I will have 500 Gb SSD, 2.6 lb laptop, my laptop is 6 years old, it's time.
I just signed up for the MS office monthly version, can use on 5 devices. Docs can be stored there, but not pdf's. I have access to all kinds of cloud services. Need to take time to pick HIPAA compliant and get started.
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