Kaiser did a map of the US, showing what areas are benefited most by PPACA (meaning who would get subsidies or expanded Medicare in the under-age-65 market). You can enter a zip code & see further details. In my zip code it's 18% who would get subsidies. Interesting stuff. However, Kaiser said in the sidebar that subsidies will go to people earning under 400% of Federal Poverty Level, but they didn't put in other qualifications like the premium must be under 9.5% of your income. As we know, that kicks many people out of subsidies, including singles under age 40 with incomes of 301% to 400% of FPL, and many 2-person families, etc. Following is the map, and a link:
Mapping the Effects of the ACA's Health Insurance Coverage Expansions - Kaiser Health Reform
Mapping the Effects of the ACA's Health Insurance Coverage Expansions - Kaiser Health Reform