Price Controls


5000 Post Club
The dems want language in the bill limiting premium increases to 4% a year (unless they get approval for more) for plans that are to be in the exchange. What a joke. The states have been at this for years are already reviewing and dealing with the fact that costs are rising 9% a year even when you take insurance costs out of the picture. What a waste of time to have to watch the feds re-discover this. Pelosi and others have convinced everyone that there are no costs other than insurance profits in the premiums, therefore that is how you can control it. Are they talking about capping charges for services? Ahh.... I don't think so. Frigging joke.

Probably some of you old duffers here are old enough to remember Gerry Ford and WIN buttons (Whip Inflation Now). Same mentality. I am disappointed in some people in Washington.

The Associated Press: Dems look to limit increases in cost of insurance