Because lots of us do that, dude, while you work a cushy job, come to a forum where you "have no dog in this fight" and make rude, provoking comments.[/COLOR][/B]
Pot meet kettle....kettle meet pot! Oh the hypocrisy!
I know that reading comprehension is not part of your very limited skill set so am not surprised but that is not my quote-it is from Ann H on another thread.
You win.
You prevail.
I know not to argue against a closed mind coupled with a bad 'tude.'
You can have the last word.
Mine is that I sincerely hope you find the acceptance from your peers as well as the self-esteem that you seem to be so desperately seeking.
"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings." - Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act 1, Scene2.
My last word to you is the same one I've already said multiple times in this thread-you have no clue about this market.
I have several peers who post on this forum, each of whom is successful and who make more money than I do (because they have either been in this business longer and/or work harder) but we all share something in common-we are driven to be the best possible agent, to fully understand the market and changes that might be coming, and are willing to share that information with our peers.
All you have done, in repeated posts, is bash those of us who are being successful in this tough environment.
I looked back at your first posts on these forums, you were a rookie with NY Life in 2013 and have allegedly left the industry since then for a 'high paying corporate job'. You also have a number of posts that say 'I don't know anything about health insurance' as well as other posts that say 'agents won't be needed in the future'. So, once again, my 'tude towards you is utter contempt and is well deserved. Stick to your day job, maybe you will have some success there because you surely could never have it within an industry that demanded production before you were paid.