Primary Carrier For Index Annuity

I'm also bullish about LSW, renewal rates published for years, excellent service, easier for the client to understand, and a good GLIR, with enhanced payouts for LTC.
I'm also bullish about LSW, renewal rates published for years, excellent service, easier for the client to understand, and a good GLIR, with enhanced payouts for LTC.

Great company. They run a pretty tight ship over there. They are my primary carrier for flex premiums and the GLIR is hard to beat. Commissions aren't great but I like the company. I'm also not on a high commission level with them to be fair.
Great company. They run a pretty tight ship over there. They are my primary carrier for flex premiums and the GLIR is hard to beat. Commissions aren't great but I like the company. I'm also not on a high commission level with them to be fair.

I think we're on the same page, doing what's best for our client's, rather than the who's paying the highest comp.

Good for you!
I'm still trying to fully comprehend their new flex premium products. The 3 and 5 or something like that. Can't remember the exact product name right now but the bonus is on the end of the contract.
Always good to have a good "go to" carrier, not just for product but for service as well. With all the suitabilty issues and increased paperwork, it is a good time to be using a solid IMO who can help with keeping you up to date on product changes and, even more importantly correct paperwork required!
Join Date: Jun 2011

Re: Primary Carrier For Index Annuity Go to Top Always good to have a good "go to" carrier, not just for product but for service as well. With all the suitabilty issues and increased paperwork, it is a good time to be using a solid IMO who can help with keeping you up to date on product changes and, even more importantly correct paperwork required!

SFG Annuity Marketing, Inc ~ Securing Your Independence

A selfless promotion of your services?? not complaining just wondering?? I'd do the same thng
A selfless promotion of your services?? not complaining just wondering?? I'd do the same thng[/quote]

Wouldn't call it a promotion of "My" Service, as much as a promotion for the need/value of a good IMO! (Now THAT'S a marketing answer!) ;)
Always good to have a good "go to" carrier, not just for product but for service as well. With all the suitabilty issues and increased paperwork, it is a good time to be using a solid IMO who can help with keeping you up to date on product changes and, even more importantly correct paperwork required!

Who is your IMO?
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I used Jackson National in a seminar recently as an example of companies that weasel-word policies. The example I used was their brochure (I forget the exact product) that has on the top left in huge words 3% minimum guarantee. When you read the fine print, they are talking about 3% of 80% of the policy value, bringing it to the same 2% you see everywhere (yeah, I know that is changing).

Anyway, personally I would not do business with a company that does that.

I agree Charpress
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What kind of indexing strategies do you guys prefer?
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