Primerica Scam


New Member
I have a friend who had won $710,000 at a local Casino here. She was working for a local grocery store, met a so-called "Financier" who was canvassing for "Primerica". I did a lot of research online and found out it was a Multi-Level-Marketing Pyramid Scheme, not only that the owner of this "Primerica" is a Minister of Scientology (who even tried to sell me into being a Scientologist!) Anyway, in open forum I'm asking for help in wrenching this lady friend away from this Primerica and getting bilked out of all her money and friends.
Any help will be appreciated. I like what Sabo has put out on YouTube. Type in Primerica Scams on YouTube and you will see his brave rebuttals to Primerica trolls.
Thanks kindly. Many years ago I used to work for Prudential Insurance and I remember when A.L.Williams arrived on the scene.
Their products aren't competitive and their comp sucks, but I'm not sure why it's a "scam".

What exactly is the scam about it?
Not sure "scam" is the proper word to use in reference to Primerica. Nor is "pyramid" scheme as that implies something illegal. Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of Primerica. Their term life insurance is overpriced, but I've never seen a beneficiary who received a death claim check complain about the premium they paid.

From what I understand they've expanded the mutual fund companies they use now. It used to be just Smith Barney, but now I think they use many others. I believe American Funds is one of the fund companies they can now use. They are a top notch fund company.

Now, could this woman with the $710,000 be better served by a different advisor? Quite possibly. Is Primerica trying to scam her out of her money? Not hardly.
Primerica isn't a pyramid scheme or a scam. Its just a company with lousy products.
She can do better. without a lot of work. Primeamerica isn't the company they used to be simply because people can check them out on the net. Can't tell people you're the best thing since sliced bread when they can look it up in seconds.
This company help out the blue collar people. Since the big firms do not cater to them so that is there nitch market.
This company help out the blue collar people. Since the big firms do not cater to them so that is there nitch market.

I think you meant "their niche". And how is selling overpriced term insurance and high priced mortgages helping out the blue collar person? Last I checked, there are many lower cost term plans who will sell to anyone who qualifies regardless of their income level. Same goes for mortgages.
How so?


Well the low income folks are under serve..WinoBlue I know for a fact that a term insurance policy for $30 a month would not be a policy that you will go out and spend your time writing.

Prim america guys will do that since that is there target market.

Thats is my opinion!:cool: