Prior Workers Comp Coverage?


1000 Post Club
I there a place that an agent can go to find out if a risk has had prior Workers Comp coverage, what the anniversary rating date is, any monies owed if cancelled for non-payment, etc?
In CA the Workers Comp policy is taged with the Construction license filed with the license board. CSLB. California state license board. When you pull up the license number on the web site you get to see the license number, name, address, bond and WC information. Effective date for WC and prior ins. carriers. Information not on the CSLB is general liability insurance. If you build a good Workers Comp book your clients will stay with you. I use the construction example as a starting point to answer your question. I know that you could also be writing main street business which the WC could be based on the business license within your state.
I there a place that an agent can go to find out if a risk has had prior Workers Comp coverage, what the anniversary rating date is, any monies owed if cancelled for non-payment, etc?

You may also call WCIRB , to find out Mod rates and maybe more. but you should have exact entity name or FID#.
Other than contractors or accounts that have been experience rated it is not easy to know. Usually when a client/prospect says "anywhere
but SCIF/xyz company" it is because they owe
them money.
NCCI has all that info if the risk is in an NCCI regulated state. If the owner gives you permission you can get the MOD Worksheet with that info. The owner may not be aware that he or she is entitled to that info. It all depends upon the state. It will also give you the premiums paid per year, losses filed and or paid, and most importantly the modification factor which reflects prior premiums vs claims.