Problem with CalHEERS


New Member
Today CalHEERS was ridiculously slow and now it is completely down. How do they expect us to get all our paper applications processed on time if they can't manage to keep the site running smoothly. From the beginning I mailed and faxed my applications and now I find out that I still have to enter the data online. Why did they not tell us this from the beginning. Now I am so behind because I have application since October that have not been processed. Anybody else experiencing similar problems?
Today CalHEERS was ridiculously slow and now it is completely down. How do they expect us to get all our paper applications processed on time if they can't manage to keep the site running smoothly. From the beginning I mailed and faxed my applications and now I find out that I still have to enter the data online. Why did they not tell us this from the beginning. Now I am so behind because I have application since October that have not been processed. Anybody else experiencing similar problems?

Yes, having the same problem. Even tried entering an app at 2 am and on the weekend, hoping there was less online traffic. It worked in the past few weeks but not now.
"Today is the last day to enroll in the Individual and SHOP marketplace for coverage beginning January 1st.
Paper Applications
In order to ensure that your paper applications are processed in a timely manner you must fax your applications today. You can send them to one of the fax numbers below:
Fax: 1-888-329-3700 or 1-916-636-3400

Below is a helpful FAQ document and additional payment information for your reference: "

Tried both fax numbers. Busy.