Progressive Commission Changes

What's a service rep? The guy in Cleveland that I leave v/m's and emails to but never responds or he tells me that's the way it is....can't help. Got the mentality of a stop sign with no authority to do squat. Used to have a local 25 yr. veteran rep. Did all she could for you. Now it's corporate.
Here's a thought... Stop sending business to companies that not only compete with you, but want you to work for peanuts.

An article was recently posted to the forum showing that companies that pay the highest commissions have the happiest agents AND are the most profitable. Sounds like a win for everyone.
what sales rep? the corporate cubicle worker in Cleveland who doesn't answer his emails or phone calls? I remember I used to have a Progressive rep with 25 years experience and loved her agents. Oh well.....I really, really, can''t stand them. If I have anyone close in pricing....screw Progressive. Oh and be careful about leaving a customer's email address in for agents only. Next thing is they are contacting them and trying to sell them when you have them placed with another carrier in your agency. Plus they undercut what you quote. Real jerkoffs