Prospect Calling from a blocked number


New Member
I have a lead that gave a fake phone number and is only responding through e-mail. When they call. They will only call from a blocked phone number and will not give me an accurate phone number. Should I play along or should I just move onto the next lead and not waste my time? - Asking for a friend
I have a lead that gave a fake phone number and is only responding through e-mail. When they call. They will only call from a blocked phone number and will not give me an accurate phone number. Should I play along or should I just move onto the next lead and not waste my time? - Asking for a friend
What kind of product are you trying to sell and where did you get the lead from?

For organic leads, if I'm communicating w/ someone via email (and they're responsive), I never try to call them until we set a time to do the app.

That's just their preferred method of communication.

If I bought the lead (facebook, google ad, etc.), I'd probably just move on after having a discussion w/ the client (via email) as to why.
Its just a trust issue. They filled out a form on the internet, they dont know you and you dont know them. So they dont trust you with their number yet. Probably had some really bad experiences with pushy or pestering sales people in the past after giving out their number.

I have a married couple as clients who have a "salesman" phone number they give out to people like us they dont trust yet. It basically just goes to voicemail if they arent expecting a call on it. Once they said yes, they gave me their cell number and asked me not to use the old number.

Ive heard horror stories from people filling out multiple forms online for insurance quotes. Having literally 15 different agents all calling them on the same day over and over and over.

I say continue the sales process as normal, unless there is anything else abnormal about the situation. They will have to disclose their phone number on the app. If they refuse to then... you dont have a sale... lol.
You should move along. There's nothing wrong with a prospect communicating by email, until they're ready to talk. I recently had a client like that, and after we spoke the first time, she was apologetic, and gave me three contact numbers.

If you've already spoken to this "lead", and you still don't have the number, moving along seems like the right thing, in this case.
I've already gone back and forth with them for a couple days already. I ended up throwing it away. Only needed 2-3 of coverage between jobs. Not worth the time prying this guy. Appreciate all the answers
I'm a firm believer in communicating with someone how they feel most comfortable (unless you want to call it.)

Email is fine for me. So is phone. I don't do in person.

I also refer my in person requests to a reputable agency locally that I know does a good job.