"How does a guy from CA know about Dunkins??"
My dad's family is from South Philly and I spent two summers in the NE playing summer baseball and working for the local parks districts of Danbury, CT and Brewster, MA.
Enviromential contractors are a goldmine.
Well I'm sure you wouldn't know those areas now.
And Dunks has an ad campaign now: New England runs on Dunkins.
And you are spot on..as usual, on the Enviro Contractors.
I used to run into a guy at a coffee shop that had a large van with "Power Cleaning" on it. I figured it was a power washing biz..which are usually small potatoes.
While talking with him, he told me how bad his W/C and liability was....and that's when I found out what he did and how big hie was. He's my 2nd largest client