I had a customer switch from SecureHorizon's PPO to another plan because he said his co pay to his dermatologist for burning skin cells of his face was $ 30.00 plus 20% of the "out patient surgical services " charge which amounted to over 200.00 for each visit.I told him that this doesn't sound right and did a three way call to SH claims with him and discovered that the doctors office never submitted a claim for an outpatient services -only for office visits.Of course the reason the doctors office didn't submit the surgical claim is that UHC would have not paid it because the " surgery " was done the doctors office and wasn't a valid charge according to their contract.I have discovered this type of extra billing for 20% of outpatient services occuring with other specialist as well.( especially for a colonoscopy which is suppose to be 0 co pay for a preventative)Usually the customers are asked to pay these fees up front too. I am kind of surprised that a doctors office does this routinely and expects to get away with it.If they are not happy with what a plan pays for services they shouldn't accept the plan and not try to extract extra money from patients to make up the difference.This bill padding seems to happen more with the MA PPO's than HMO's
Hopefully the doctors office will get a little worried when this patient goes to the doctor's office Monday and demand a written detail of all charges that he can compare to what was actually submitted to claims by the doctor.
Hopefully the doctors office will get a little worried when this patient goes to the doctor's office Monday and demand a written detail of all charges that he can compare to what was actually submitted to claims by the doctor.