Proving Your Are Not on Medicaid


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Any body have any idea how you prove you are not on medicaid? Assuming you would have to get either a decline letter or termination letter.

Client is divorced, but has no idea how mother had the 19 year old son covered. Son now lives with client (father). We did the app and is asking for proof that child is not on medicaid.

Is it as simple as calling the local medicaid office and asking for a letter showing the child does not have coverage (hopefully that's the case).
Any time I have gotten that, the person was, in fact, on Medicaid (or Chip). Or they were in the process of being terminated and hadn't been updated in the system. I would just have the dad as legal guardian call to verify their status. If they are on Medicaid I would report a change in household income (based on the new living arrangements with dad) and since it didn't put the kid on Medicaid in your app, I am guessing that dad's income is over the Medicaid eligibility line. That should generate a letter from Medicaid terminating eligibility. That is how it works in my state anyway.

The most likely scenario is that mom alone made the kid qualify, then she never called in to tell them that he moved in with dad and the income is different. The state will just mosey along assuming everything is the same (they will catch on eventually but it is a slow process).
Affidavit. Good in local, state and Federal court of law. Best to their knowledge. Problem is, that "sometimes" accepts it.

Look, 1st year...they took anyone. 2nd year, they hammered verification. 3rd year (today), they are knocking on medicaid, IRS reporting & removing agent commissions and our positions for their non-licensed asses, CSRs to take our place. That is my feel.

My advise, and I'm doing this year...

Be safe and run them through Medicaid first to get the denial letter. It is Pro-Bono work, and kid is not insured for 1 month...but will save you MONTHS of aggravations and parent will definitely never be penalized with their "ping" to Medicaid. If the kid is accepted, well you just earned points if the parent wanted it. If the parent didn't (which I have many), then spin it to the best & re-run an app.

Point is, that State goes of off income and assets. Fed subsidy, goes only on income.

I have parents who do NOT want Medicaid, but are put on it. Then I have parent who Want Medicaid, and they can't get it. Then I have a 45 year old that is on Medicaid - KidCare (a Dad), and son can't get it. Figure that out. :)