Medicaid expansion


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For states that recently expanded Medicaid (Missouri specifically) does anyone have experience with clients being auto enrolled and wanting out?

The feedback I'm getting from clients is that they can't get through to anyone.

Most of the clients I work with have assets that generate income which can be controlled so we've updated the marketplace application back in Nov or so but they are still getting ID cards and paperwork.

Any thoughts?
For states that recently expanded Medicaid (Missouri specifically) does anyone have experience with clients being auto enrolled and wanting out?

The feedback I'm getting from clients is that they can't get through to anyone.

Most of the clients I work with have assets that generate income which can be controlled so we've updated the marketplace application back in Nov or so but they are still getting ID cards and paperwork.

Any thoughts?
I think they should agree with the offer. Some do it and stay with both for certain period of time. In case they strongly doesn't want it: They can mail a rejection at least. They should state a reason. Few letters should do the job, if they really want it. Also to the marketplace could be filed a complaint.
I have a client that fell into a short time of very low income and when there is no means testing millionaires with little Modified Adjusted Income in a particular year and apply on HC. gov get moved over to Medicaid. They were not working with me on their application for ACA at that time. Now they are for the spouse not 65 yet.
In my client's case, on turning 65, there was also a glitch with getting "extra help" with drugs, and being autoenrolled in a separate drug plan. The client had lots of calls to make to get it all straight, since Medicaid wasn't being renewed or cancelled unless the client asks, and then they have to strongly insist, it seems.