Prudential Financial Commissions

Much more liberal and I do a fair amount of business with all 3. In addition, Banner gives some very good rates because they retain the first million of coverage and don't send it out to reinsurance.
For you guys that have been around a while, so you remember CNA's "smoker's choice"?

They gave smokers a standard NS rate for three years as an inducement to quit smoking.

CNA also had a "combo rider" that essentially meant a $1,000,000 policy was really a $10,000 policy with a $990,000 rider. I'm sure they had a reason for doing that. It did not have any bearing on the convertibility though.

And seceral butcher's aprons.
senior advisor indiana,
I think you might be pulling our leg, but if not, what kind of deal would you do if I wrote business with your firm?
What brokerage firm gives you higher than 75%? Please let me know because I need to contract with them. Pru is now the new leader with impaired risk in the term market, plus has a special class for tobacco users that don't smoke cigs.

I am contracted with Pru through LifePro. They only give that level to Platinum Level Producer Group level producers.
I have a 90% contract with them but I'm also a Platinum member of their Producer Group. Being a member gets you above street level and as you qualify for gold and platinum gets you a higher payout. I have no idea what their street level is. I contracted with Pru after I was a Gold Qualifier.
Thanks all.

Thanks for the replies I just wanted to make sure i didn't settle for less than I deserved. Also glad to hear all of the positive feedback on underwriting!
What kind of commissions are you guys getting on Prudential Financial term products? Just trying to see what's out there. thanks!

95% on Term Essential 30 year
100% on Term Elite

My commissions are paid as earned.