Public Option Dead But ...


5000 Post Club
Just saw Queen Pelosi talk about the public option as though she is conceding that it will not be in the house bill (duh) but then she goes on to say that "when they are done with the insurance companies they will be begging for the public option instead" or words very close to that.

I certainly believe her.

As discussed, the socialists dont really need to do anything other than make health care a federal responsibility which they have done. After that they can just hammer at anything whether it is health care, or the oil industry, or the financial industry until it is so highly regulated that the line between the private sector and the public sector is not visible to the human eye.

Of course, the democrats are down a quart in strength since this thing was set in motion. Take em down a couple more quarts and Pelosi will not get everything she wants. Most of it, but not everything.

There is only so much that can be accomplished on each side. The conservatives beat back single payer, they beat back public option, they beat back co-ops, etc. But you cant elect a bunch of commies and expect it to not show up somewhere.

Ahhh.....but then there are the consitutional challenges shaping up.
Good to open up another front in the war. Premiums are already going to go through the roof just based on GI but if you can't get mandate along with it they are up into the stratosphere.

The country is going to tank. The Canadians have very high health care costs in charted waters but we are about to have explosive costs in uncharted waters. Man, that is ugly.

What a frigging mess. I am telling ya. We are going to end out worse off than if they had never "improved" it and I am in favor of improving it but not the commie way. What a mess. A sixth of the economy about to be nuked by people who hate the private sector and are already running medicare and medicaid into the ground.
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Re: Public Option Dead But.........

Let's see...

Canada's defense budget (2008): $18.2 billion ($19 billion for 2009)

USA defense budget 2010 estimate: $663.8 billion

Yes, the Canadians may have pretty high health costs, but we might be paying just a wee little bit for their defense, don't you think?
Re: Public Option Dead But.........

Let's see...

Canada's defense budget (2008): $18.2 billion ($19 billion for 2009)

USA defense budget 2010 estimate: $663.8 billion

Yes, the Canadians may have pretty high health costs, but we might be paying just a wee little bit for their defense, don't you think?

Yup, and we get most of our oil from Canada, not the mid-east which helps their economy a bit, eh.

But I am not exactly sure how that does and will play out in terms of per capital health costs and level of coverage when comparing the Canadian system to the American system in the years to come. It is not pretty. The women in Montreal are pretty so dont get me wrong. I can talk about them all day long. Just not sure how it ends out making our system look smarter, or more efficient based on where we are headed.

Note the operative words "where we are headed." I think right now we have a smarter system but I think that is about to change. Refer to the aforediscussed clivens-pivens theory.

Also, the Canadians of late have participated in their own defense as Nato members and as full fighters in Afg. Their total economy is only equal to that of California so I am not sure that you can compare their defense expenditures to the U.S. and then wrap that around health reform somehow. Anyway, that is a side fight. My point is only that they have an ungodly expensive health care system that serves many people imperfectly. We are well on our way to ending out with an ultra-ungodly expensive system that may not even work at all and may collapse and most likely will work even less well than the one we have now. What better scenario to bring about single payer and make the Canadian system look good in the end.

Could always rise up and stop it. Or not. This thing is a mess. Not only is it a camel that was supposed to be a horse designed by a committee. The camel most likely will die. Not good.

Love those Montreal women though.
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Re: Public Option Dead But.........

Welll, let's see now. Smackdown a'comin!

YouTube - Friedman and Sowell on Equality

Yet, who is it the Oppressor-in-Chief is listening to these days?

Ahh. And let us talk about the New Plantation that the dems keep everyone down on. Or let us listen to Sowell. Either way.

Frigging dems have created a permanent underclass in this country.

I can't quite remember Sowells story but I know he came up the hard way. His parents pawned him off on his grandmother or something. He is different though. He talks. You just keep your mouth shut until you see where he is headed unless you are stupid, and of course many who debate with him are. I dont mind mouthing off anywhere, anytime but I would watch my step with him. His mamma didnt raise no fool, even if it wasnt his mamma.

Book him for a debate with Rev. Wright and name your price for the ticket. I will be there. Let the Rev. spin his goddam America crap on Sowell.
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Re: Public Option Dead But.........

Great post. Your analysis strikes me as on the money, the future is harder to predict because when our credit line gets whacked, there will be no more money to pay for any of these programs that are already underfunded and over budget and to keep our other programs like "defense," that you pointed it out. Only the sick will care about health care when there is no food on the table. As disturbing as that sentiment is for me to write, because I believe that everyone should have access to health care, partisan politics won't matter anymore. It doesn't matter how we got here it will only matter that we are here. This day of financial reckoning will come as we cannot possibly grow our way out of these deficits and debts, it is unfortunately a matter of time.
I need a drink....

Health Insurance Quotes
Re: Public Option Dead But.........

Frigging dems have created a permanent underclass in this country.

Yup, that's essentially the goal. A massive underclass, living together in peace & harmony as one, led by a loving, benevolent artistocracy. They'll take good, good care of us, I'm sure.

Where are the best deals on tie-dyed shirts?

Re: Public Option Dead But.........

Let's see...

Canada's defense budget (2008): $18.2 billion ($19 billion for 2009)

USA defense budget 2010 estimate: $663.8 billion

Yes, the Canadians may have pretty high health costs, but we might be paying just a wee little bit for their defense, don't you think?

For the love of god ...
We've now taken the art of "cost shifting" aka buck passing aka responsibity tossing to a new level.
Yeah, I love it. Let's invade Canada, take over their tar sands and use that money to pay for healthca- ... health insurance?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Welll, let's see now. Smackdown a'comin!

YouTube - Friedman and Sowell on Equality

Yet, who is it the Oppressor-in-Chief is listening to these days?

Interesting analogy.
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Re: Public Option Dead But.........

For the love of god ...
We've now taken the art of "cost shifting" aka buck passing aka responsibity tossing to a new level.
Yeah, I love it. Let's invade Canada, take over their tar sands and use that money to pay for healthca- ... health insurance?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Interesting analogy.

I think that will be tough. Seems to me the Chinese are already helping themselves to their tar sands...