I'm going to start enrolling this week. Question I have about the email the client gets from hc.gov
When you start the process you take them to the carrier website to get them enrolled through your link. The your link takes them to HC. GOV the registered there & then they get a email with a link going back hc.gov.
When they use the link in the email that they received from HC.gov that takes them off your link from the carrier. Should you have them instead go back through your link instead of the link that hc.gov sends them?
Am I right about this?
When you start the process you take them to the carrier website to get them enrolled through your link. The your link takes them to HC. GOV the registered there & then they get a email with a link going back hc.gov.
When they use the link in the email that they received from HC.gov that takes them off your link from the carrier. Should you have them instead go back through your link instead of the link that hc.gov sends them?
Am I right about this?