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Is your tool for On Exchange only?
First, not all carriers are at 0%. In fact most On Exchange are paying commissions.
Who is included in your "most" statement?
0% Humana, Aetna, Cigna (UHC- GONE!)
BCBS TX for example is, for Tier 1 agents, at 5%. Last year was at 6%. Would agents rather have at 6%? Of course. But with the increases in premiums the difference will in many instances be non existent or neglible when comparing compensation.
Doubtfully, too many prospects/clients will be drawn to a 40+% increase in rates on 2017 plans. Doesn't matter if comish is 3-5%.
I meant to add to my prior post that in addition to TARGETING areas which there are competitive plans and commissions, it is also about NON ACA sales to the customer. This is why so many of our users asked that we integrate National General's products which pay great commissions and provide excellent benefits too. Formal launch announcement to be posted soon.
I mean you wouldn't focus on areas even for Medicare in which a very small part of population is under 65 right?