Racial Profiling

Alston, thx for the feedback. I suspect this is a much easier task face to face vs. phone sales (which is my business model).

I have been told that immigrants are better candidates for life insurance than health insurance. Have you found this to be true?

My business model is similar to yours now. I go on about one or two face-to-face calls a year, although that is about to change. My son is recently licensed and needs to be trained. I'm going to get him started as a face-to-face selling agent because I think he will learn more that way.

I agree, from a language barrier standpoint, face-to-face is better than phone-to-phone when you are trying to communicate with a person who is just starting to learn English or who has a strong accent. Over the phone I have extreme difficulty understanding Asian-Indian men who have very deep voices. (I assume that they are men.) Many Indians learn the Queen's English long before they come to America so often their English grammar is better than mine, but I can't understand them. I probably have some hearing loss in certain frequencies. However, face to face we communicate much better.
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