Radar Detector

GA is a great state for speed...has to be a state cop to write a ticket for less than 10mph over.
I haven't seen many tickets written on 9 miles over or less. That's ridiculous. I keep the cruise 9 over always.

That's probably a way to get rid of speed trap small towns. There are several in SC where they'll ticket you for 3 over to drive revenue.
That's exact why they have that law, been on the books for quite awhile, locals can't even enforce on any old road, all speed enforcement roads must be approved by the state DOT, if a road is too hilly or curvey, it won't be approved for local enforcement with speed detection devices. Crazy arse state law...
GA is a great state for speed...has to be a state cop to write a ticket for less than 10mph over.
I haven't seen many tickets written on 9 miles over or less. That's ridiculous. I keep the cruise 9 over always.

I've always wondered why they were hard to find in Georgia. I believe Tennessee will generally give you 10. I have heard some city police officers are writing them for just a few over, 4 or so. Most are getting tossed by the city judge, but it still a hassle.
wow! I wish Ohio had those speed trap laws on the books. there's a speed trap 20 minutes from my home that has a population under 300, but writes thousands of tickets per year.

tickets can be contested in a mayor's court in which the mayor serves as judge and jury. nothing but a huge racket!

recently, several officers from this dept. were sent to prison for offering drivers to pay cash on the spot, and then pocketing the cash. even that didn't get them shut down! :no::nah:
wow! I wish Ohio had those speed trap laws on the books. there's a speed trap 20 minutes from my home that has a population under 300, but writes thousands of tickets per year.

tickets can be contested in a mayor's court in which the mayor serves as judge and jury. nothing but a huge racket!

recently, several officers from this dept. were sent to prison for offering drivers to pay cash on the spot, and then pocketing the cash. even that didn't get them shut down! :no::nah:

I recently read about a town in Central Florida that was known for largely funding the city budget with speeding tickets by altering speed limits several times on the main road through town. In fact, it was officers in the town's own local department who blew the whistle internally on their own chief and town officials. Now, this town is depending on County Sheriffs and State Troopers for law enforcement after the state attorney took away the town's ability to police itself. :D

BTW, I've been using the WAZE app on my phone instead of purchasing an expensive radar detector. WAZE is more accurate on larger highways and byways than it is on smaller local roads because it depends on users to note the location where cops, road hazards and other objects are hiding. That's fine because I don't speed much once I'm in the town where I'm working for the day.