Realistic FE Production Numbers!

I'm researching final expense opportunity. What are realistic production numbers for the following:
1. a newbie?
2. a seasoned agent?
3. Top 10% agents?
I'm researching final expense opportunity. What are realistic production numbers for the following:
1. a newbie?
2. a seasoned agent?
3. Top 10% agents?

1) depends on how leads they run each week. 1 or 2 appts aren't going to produce much biz. Most agents need to run 10, 12 or more appts each week and to do that you need 20 or more fresh LEADS each week. Again, I am talking avgs here.
2) Ditto.................................................. except a better conversion rate on the same lead.
3) Avg 2-3K AP pre wk; Top 1% would be more... But top of the top isn't really relavent to this type of convo, IMO.
I'm researching final expense opportunity. What are realistic production numbers for the following:
1. a newbie?
2. a seasoned agent?
3. Top 10% agents?

It really depends on the lead program. Any indy agent? I would venture to guess not much.

An agent with a good system for leads and work schedule? $2k/week in AP, as much as $4k.

I really think you're missing the real issue, which again is leads. A seasoned agent sitting zero appointments a week will make zero.

What opportunities in particular are you looking at?
I'm researching final expense opportunity. What are realistic production numbers for the following:
1. a newbie?
2. a seasoned agent?
3. Top 10% agents?

3 different agents = 3 different results

Take any organization, look at their production board. From zero$ to boocoo$. Are the top 10% getting all the best leads, areas, income levels?

I do not care what XYZ agent makes, unless he is going to write me a check. I am more interested in how he does it. Even then I only adopt what is best for me. his "best X" may be my forth choice.
Can't say -- too many variables.

Strive for 10-12 appointments if you're getting 20 leads a week.

Generally speaking, after someone who's gained experience selling, should covert 3-5 policies *on average* with 10-12 appointments.

To get more specific, what skill set are you bringing to the table as a sales person, prospector, and closer?
I think that the baseline for FE production is $2,000 in AP per week. There are a handful of agents that do $4k-$5k most weeks and a select few that can do $8k-$10k consistently.
I'm researching final expense opportunity. What are realistic production numbers for the following:
1. a newbie?
2. a seasoned agent?
3. Top 10% agents?

No offense meant but you're starting off already in the wrong direction. If you look at the big picture what you're trying to do is get numbers that are impossible to really get so you can decide on whether it's worth it for you or what YOU can expect #'s wise?

Too many agents ask these questions of other agents. What do YOU think YOU can do? Will you take a program and run with it if it has some sort of success or length of time being used? For some agents it takes them 1- hour days 5-6 days a week to write $2K plus a week. For other agents, they can do it during business hours in 3 days.

You have to look at the training, product, support, lead program etc... Your gut will tell you if it's viable. Then, are you truly willing to do what ever it takes to hit your goals and only you?

Then, you will know if it's worth it.

I take 15 leads per week and pay $315 per week for these. On average I write 5.5 apps per week. On average I write $3,495 ap per week and pickup an extra $150,000 in annuities. You need a good mentor and a good lead system. I am tracking at $150k in income. I seem to track in the top 25% of my team. Sometimes my final expense sells go into a bit of a lull and during
those times my annuity sales carries me.

I book on average 10-12 appointments and sit down with 8 or 9 of them.

Hope this helps a little bit.